From a Kilns Scholar, 2009–Dr. Greg Bourgond

The Kilns

The following is an excerpt from the C.S. Lewis Foundation newsletter written by a scholar-in-residence at the Kilns, Dr. Greg Bourgond:

“I stood at the door of the Kilns on September 7th still reeling from just leaving the tyranny of the urgent back home.

Immediately, I felt an easing of anxiety by the peace I felt as I entered C.S. Lewis’ home.  Once I settled in I walked the grounds absorbing the beauty of this place.  I wasn’t prepared for the soothing quiet, the warm fellowship, and the wonder of the historical context.  I found the library and the kitchen especially inviting — the unique stove giving off welcome heat.  Pictures throughout the home reminded me of the rich heritage embedded in every corner of the house.

Inspired by my surroundings I completed my manuscript including an acknowledgments page, preface, introduction, 8 chapters, 460 footnotes, and 3 appendices.  This book was the culmination of 17 years working with the hearts of men so that they could begin living a legacy worth leaving in the lives of those God brought within their sphere of influence starting with their families and extending out to others.  I didn’t expect to finish it so soon.  I now had time to travel a bit — Oxford, the Eagle and Child, Cambridge, Canterbury Cathedral, Golden Valley, Hadrian’s Wall, the William Wallace Monument in Stirling, and back home again to the Kilns.

Sharing the home with others forms a bonding community where the life and writings of Lewis permeate conversation.  Yet, there is plenty of alone time for reflection and renewal punctuated by visits to Lewis’ church and burial site, the pub he and Warnie frequented, and the fabulous meals at yet another pub within walking distance.

I also enjoyed the pear and apples on the ground for late snacks.  When my time came to an end I left with warm memories that flood my thoughts.  The tyranny of the urgent no longer holds me captive because, in my mind, I can escape to the Kilns where rest and peace is found.”

Dr. Greg Bourgond, Bethel University

St. Paul, Minnesota, USA