Afternoon Seminars: Kevin Dibbley

2014 C.S. Lewis Summer Conference, July 21-31, 2014, Oxford & Cambridge, England

 Afternoon Seminars & Workshops

CM-05 From Gospel to Glory: The Pastor and the Pursuit of Godly Virtue

Kevin Dibbley

These sessions will focus on the pastor’s vital role in pursuing and promoting godly virtue in the lives of the people of God. C.S. Lewis wrote that “The load, or weight, or burden of my neighbour’s glory should be laid daily on my back.”  Together, we will consider how to help God’s people to increasingly share in His glory as those who are on the journey ourselves. In particular, we will be reflecting upon the pastoral example found in the New Testament epistle of 2 Peter. This seminar will be a time for learning, praying, and encouraging one another in our high calling to love and to serve His church.

kevindibbley-resizeKevin Dibbley – Senior pastor of Fort William Baptist Church in Thunder Bay, Canada.  His passion is to see pastors joyfully invigorated in their ministries with a deep love for Jesus Christ and His church. He has had the privilege of speaking in Canada, the U.S., and Mexico and is looking forward to speaking on the other side of “the pond”.  Kevin and his wife, MariAnne, are currently on sabbatical while he writes on this subject of the pastor’s role in the pursuit and progression of godliness in the church.