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Oxbridge 2002
Time and Eternity:
The Cosmic Odyssey

Oxbridge 2002 - Frequently Asked Questions and Tips

A. Tips on Registering for the Oxbridge 2002 Summer Institute:

1. If you are registering for only one week, PLEASE indicated which week you will be coming to.
2. If you register for only one week, please note that the association tuition discount will be half of what is listed for the two weeks.
3. To qualifiy for one of the association tuition discounts, please provde proof of association (e.g. a photocopy of a student or faculty ID card, or a confirmation on official letterhead stating your position and role in ministry).


B. Tips on Registering for the Seminar/Workshops:

1. Each seminar/workshop meets three times. You will be assigned to one seminar/workshop per week. Some of the seminar/workshops are only one week each, and some can be attended both weeks.
2. We ask for your second and third choices so that we know your other interests in the event that your seminar/workshop first choice is oversubscribed.
3. 'Repeated' means the Seminar/Workshop is for one week only, and the same content will be repeated the second week.
'Continuous' means the Seminar/Workshop will continue into the second week, you can choose to take it for one week or two weeks.

C. Travel Tips:

1. What exactly does "in-college) housing consist of?
2. What does room and board consist of?
3. What transportation is provided:
4. What alternate housing arrangements are available?
5. Getting through the airport and customs.
6. Getting to and from the University cities.
7. What to bring/wear.
8. Miscellany.
9. Recommended guide books.

D. How do I register for Course Credit?