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Philosophy Symposium
with Jerry WallsOxford and Cambridge Weeks (continuing)

The three great ideals of Truth, Goodness and Beauty have been at the heart of the philosophical enterprise since the days of the ancient Greeks. Not only how these are understood, but the relations between them are key issues that define every worldview. While classical thought has seen the three great ideals as united, if not one, modern and postmodern thought has witnessed the fragmentation of Truth, Goodness and Beauty. The philosophy symposium will be addressed by philosophers from both sides of the Atlantic , who will pursue variations on these issues that are of concern to contemporary Christian thought. A special session will feature a reenactment of the famous Lewis-Anscombe debate of 1948 and an appearance by Professor Anthony Flew, who was present at the original debate. In keeping with Lewis's Socratic Club dictum that an argument "has a life of its own" the symposium set argument loose, confident that if rightly followed, it will help lead us to truth.

Jerry Walls is Professor of Philosophy at Asbury Seminary and Senior Speaking Fellow in the Morris Institute for Human Values, an organization whose goal is to take philosophical wisdom into the world of business and the broader culture. He is a member of the Dulles Colloquium of the Institute of Religion and Public Life. He has degrees from Houghton College , Princeton Seminary, Yale University and PhD in philosophy from Notre Dame. Among his books are Heaven: The Logic of Eternal Joy. and (with Scott R. Burson) C. S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer. Also he is editor of the forthcoming Oxford Handbook of Eschatology and coeditor, with Greg Bassham, of The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy, forthcoming.