Frequently Asked Questions

Please read the questions below (and click on the links) to find the answer to your inquiry. If you don’t find your question, please contact us here.

Top Five Questions

  1. I have a question about copyrights / I’d like to find out how to get the right to produce a play based on one of Lewis’ works / I’d like to quote Lewis in a book, blog, website, etc.
  2. Will you sponsor my event / sponsor my attendance at your event / make a donation to my school or church or other organization?
  3. How do I visit/tour C.S. Lewis’ home, The Kilns?
  4. Is this quote by C.S. Lewis?
  5. I would like to use a photograph of C.S. Lewis. How do I get the rights to do so?

Other Questions (by Category)

The C.S. Lewis Foundation


The Kilns


C.S. Lewis’s Works






General Copyright Questions

The C.S. Lewis Foundation

What is the C.S. Lewis Foundation?

The C.S. Lewis Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. The C.S. Lewis Foundation fosters and preserves C.S. Lewis’ legacy by working to make Christian intellectual discourse a part of academic and cultural life.

By offering a variety of programs and resources for scholars, faculty, administrators as well as seekers and lay readers of all Christian traditions, the Foundation seeks to advance the renewal of Christian thought and creative expression throughout the world of learning. For a brief introduction and history of the Foundation, please click here.

What programs do you offer?

Since its founding in 1986, the Foundation has labored tirelessly to fulfill its mission through several principal initiatives, which include:

  1. C.S. Lewis Study Centre at The Kilns
  2. C.S. Lewis Summer Institutes
  3. Faculty Forum
  4. Regional Conferences and Retreats
  5. C.S. Lewis College

Do you give out grants?

No. The C.S. Lewis Foundation not a grant-making organization. Rather, it is a donor-supported, non-profit educational foundation. We are not affiliated with the C.S. Lewis Company or the Lewis Estate, and we receive no royalties from Lewis’ work.

If you are a nonprofit organization/charity, then why are you called a “foundation”?

We are an operating educational foundation (rather than a grant-making foundation), and are also called a foundation because one of our central goals is to found C.S. Lewis College.

Where are you located?

Our main office is located in Redlands, California. The C.S. Lewis Study Centre at The Kilns is located in Headington, Oxford, England. For our contact information, please click here.

How do I sign up for your mailing list? Your e-mail newsletter?

To receive email or postal mail about Foundation news, events, and programs, please  sign up by going to our sign up page and filling out the form. Thank you!

How can I support the C.S. Lewis Foundation?

You can support our work in several ways:

Please click here to learn more about supporting our mission and work.

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The Kilns

How can I visit the home of C.S. Lewis, “The Kilns”?

The Kilns is open for tours by appointment only. For more information, please visit our Tour the Kilns page.

What other Lewis and Inklings related sites are in Oxford?

If you are interested in taking your own walking tour of Oxford, we have a “Walking Guide of Lewis’ Oxford” available for your reference. You may pick it up at The Kilns for a small donation, we can mail it to you in advance for a fee of $5.00, or you may download it from our website here.

Where can I stay in Oxford?

For information covering services and accommodations in Oxford, you are encouraged to contact the City of Oxford’s Tourist Information Centre at

Are you affiliated with Ron Brind’s C.S. Lewis Tour or its related websites?

No. The C.S. Lewis Foundation is not affiliated with Ron Brind, his tours, or his websites.

For a tour of The Kilns, please refer to the information here.

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 C.S. Lewis’s Works

Do you own the rights to C.S. Lewis’s writings?

No. The C.S. Lewis Foundation does not own the rights to or receive any financial support or royalties from the works of C.S. Lewis.  The CSLF is an operating educational foundation that is primarily supported by the generous gifts of donors.

How do I obtain the rights to Lewis’ works?

To receive information the rights to Lewis’ works, please contact the C.S. Lewis Company Ltd. at

The C.S. Lewis Co. Ltd.
First Floor
Unit 4, Old Generator House
Bourne Valley Road
BH12 1DZ
Tel: 01202 765652
Fax: 01202 765665

I would like to translate/find a translation of Lewis’ writings. Do you have information about Lewis’ works in foreign languages?

All foreign language inquiries concerning C.S. Lewis’ works are handled by HarperCollins Publishers in the UK. Please contact:

HarperCollins Publishers, 77-85 Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, London W6 8JB, ENGLAND

Customer Service Telephone number: 08707-871724 (From U.S., dial 011-44-8707-871724)

E-mail address for international trade queries/ catalogues:

I would like to buy one of C.S. Lewis’ books. Where can I do this?

You can purchase C.S. Lewis books at most online and physical bookstores.

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When is your next conference / retreat / seminar?

For complete conference information, please refer to our Upcoming Programs Page by clicking here.

What are C.S. Lewis Foundation events like?

Our conferences and retreats are a unique mixture of scholarship, worship, fellowship, and the arts. Music, dance, and other artistic performances accompany lectures by top scholars on a variety of topics related to Christianity, education, the arts, and C.S. Lewis. There is also time set aside for breakout sessions and other opportunities to get to know fellow conferees and “go deeper” into the questions and issues brought up by our speakers.

Can I apply for a scholarship or financial assistance to attend one of your events?

We do offer scholarships and financial assistance for some of our events, particularly our Summer Institutes. Please contact us for more information.

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What is the current status of the college?

C.S. Lewis College is currently in the fundraising stage. Money must be raised for the initial few years of operations before the College will be officially opened. We are also currently seeking a location in which to found the college.

What kind of college will it be?

The college will be a fully accredited, four-year “Great Books” college with a School of the Visual and Performing Arts.

The College will be rooted in the historic Christian faith and so structured as to ensure its fidelity to that profession. It will be characterized by a firm commitment to “Mere Christianity,” and therefore be inclusive of Christians of all traditions. In the spirit of C.S. Lewis, the envisioned college will actively encourage opportunities to discover the vitality and profound relevance of the Christian faith as it is lived openly within the larger pluralistic setting of mainstream colleges and universities.

What is a “Great Books” college?

A “Great Books” college is so named because of the centrality of the great books of western civilization to the college curriculum. For a more specific definition of a great books education, please click here to read a Wikipedia article or visit the websites of Thomas Aquinas College and St. John’s College, two examples of current great books colleges.

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General Copyright Questions

Where can I find and obtain the rights to photographs of C.S. Lewis?

The Marion E. Wade Center owns the rights to most C.S. Lewis images.  For more information, contact:

The Marion E. Wade Center
Wheaton College
Wheaton, IL  60187
(630) 752-5106
(630) 752-5459 (Fax)

The rights to other Lewis images are held by:

1)        The National Portrait Gallery
2)        Getty Images –

Where can I find recordings of Lewis’ voice?

There are very few actual recordings of Lewis’s voice which survive today, consisting of:

  1. A reading of The Four Loves, originally produced by the Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation (now called the Episcopal Media Center) in 1958, with a new edition done in 1994 distributed by Word.
  2. C.S. Lewis Speaks His Mind, also produced by the Episcopal Media Center
  3. Some of the material found in the audio edition of Mere Christianity, mostly read by Michael York, but with some parts (excerpts from book four) in Lewis’s own voice, which are the only surviving recordings form the original radio broadcasts of the series.
  4.         The “Lost Lewis Tapes,” available on the Marion E. Wade Center’s YouTube channel or for sale at The Rabbit Room (proceeds go to the Marion E. Wade Center).

How do I obtain the rights to one of the images on your website?

Please contact us by clicking here to go to our contact page. Fill out the contact form, indicating which image you are interested in (please give the URL of the webpage along with a description of the photo). Please note that there may be a fee for use of the image.

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