The Nature of Christian Surrender

Years ago, there was a lot of debate in evangelical circles about “easy grace” and “Lordship salvation.” The concern was over people who were being told that they could become a Christian without submitting to Jesus’s call to discipleship, as if discipleship was an optional add-on for people going to heaven. The answer was that

Living Within the Unseen

A meditation for the Feast of the Transfiguration, 2020 Yesterday, I was in a discussion with some of my fellow UTC students about the last chapter of C. S. Lewis’s The Screwtape Letters. In the last letter, “the patient” dies in the London blitz. At this man’s death, the veil between the seen and the

Living with Our Mortality

Recently, I developed a video series on a Christian view of death and dying. I did this because there is so much to remind us in the news these days of our mortality – all the statistics about the various ways people are dying around us and how many of them there are. While preparing,

Why Read The Four Loves?

Unless one is walking around thinking about the vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, the title of Lewis’s book, The Four Loves, is arresting.  Love is love, right?   But if we take a moment to think about how we love, and how we talk about love, we realize that things are indeed a little more