Stewarding the Self: A Human Future for Humans?

We are pleased to post Nigel Cameron’s abstract of his upcoming Oxbridge 2008 lecture.” Please write in with your thoughts. “Stewarding the Self: A Human Future for Humans” The 21st century will bring into sharp focus the dilemmas raised by our dominion over the natural order when it includes ourselves. The barbaric eugenics that characterized the first part of the

“On Losing and Saving the Self”

Given the thoughtful response to Bruce Herman’s Oxbridge 2008 lecture topic, we are pleased to post Wilfred McClay’s abstract of his Oxbridge 2008 lecture, “On Losing and Saving the Self.” Please write in with your thoughts. “On Losing and Saving the Self” By overthrowing all older sources of moral authority, modern culture has enthroned the

Oxbridge 2008 Travel Recommendations

Now that Oxbridge 2008 is just around the corner, we at the Foundation are excited to expand this blog to include a forum for travel recommendations. We hope that in addition to attending this unique and memorable conference, you will be able to make the most of your time in England, a country rich in

Oxbridge 2008 Discussion 1 – Bruce Herman Thesis

Christian artist and educator Bruce Herman, brings his faith, visual sensibility, and careful thinking about the influence of art and pop-culture on our sense of self to his Oxbridge 2008 lecture topic “Outgrowing the iSelf: Beauty, Personhood, and Pop-Culture – An Artist’s Perspective” Thesis: “The famous Apple ads showing a silhouetted figure dancing alone with