C.S. Lewis Summer Institute Ad in World Magazine

The C.S. Lewis Foundation has just run an ad on our upcoming C.S. Lewis Summer Institute in World magazine.  It is featured in their February 12th issue, but you can view it as a pdf by clicking on the image to the left.

The C.S. Lewis Summer Institute (also known as “Oxbridge“) takes place this July in the cities of Oxford and Cambridge, England.  The conference features:

Exceptional Programming: engaging lectures, outstanding seminars, creative workshops, academic symposia, & tours of C.S. Lewis’ home.

Exceptional Speakers: including Os Guinness, Charles Colson, Ken Blanchard, Steve Green, George Marsden, Mary Poplin, Randy Alcorn, David Lyle Jeffrey & many others.

Exceptional Experiences: visit and worship in historic settings. Enjoy stellar performances of dance, theatre, & orchestral/choral music.

It’s not too late to register for Oxbridge. We hope to see you there!

Look for other upcoming ads in Christianity Today, Touchstone, First Things, and Charisma and Charisma Digital Edition!