Kevin Belmonte Writes about His Experience at C.S. Lewis College

Kevin Belmonte has recently published an article about C.S. Lewis College on  He has been involved with the C.S. Lewis Foundation since last year, and is an enthusiastic supporter of not only the college but also the Foundation’s mission as a whole.  In the article, Belmonte relates his experiences at C.S. Lewis College and our Vacation with a Purpose event, as well as his hopes for the College.

Kevin Belmonte is the auth0r of Defiant Joy, a biography of G.K. Chesterton, and a book on William Wilberforce.  He has spoken at a number of C.S. Lewis Foundation events and conferences. He gave two lectures at Vacation with a Purpose in 2010, and he is leading an Afternoon Seminar for Oxbridge this summer. For those of you who would like to sign up for his seminar, you can do so on our Oxbridge website. The list of Afternoon seminars can be found here.

One thought on “Kevin Belmonte Writes about His Experience at C.S. Lewis College

  1. lori tischler

    Come to Camp Allen, Kevin! I’m thrilled that you’re a part of the Foundation…missed seeing you this year at VWAP. (SO appreciated your presence and talks last year!)

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