New Article in Fortune About Hobby Lobby and C.S. Lewis College

An article was just released in the November 1st issue of Fortune about Hobby Lobby and its purchase of the Northfield Campus for the founding of C.S. Lewis College.

The issue, which just hit newsstands this Monday, details the Green family’s/Hobby Lobby’s charitable giving, featuring its relationship with C.S. Lewis College and other Christian educational organizations. The article should also appear at at some point over the next couple of weeks.

Here’s an excerpt:

Stan Mattson was touring the Berkshire hills in the fall of 2007 when he arrived at a certain windy hilltop overlooking the Connecticut River in Northfield, Mass. He stopped the car, and got out to have a look around. The scene he beheld “was breathtaking”, he recalls: rolling lawns, a magnificent scattering of stately brick and sound edifices, some of them more than 100 years old, and not a soul in sight. Mattson, who directs the C.S. Lewis Foundation in Redlands, Calif., thought he had stumbled into an illustration from the Lion,  the Witch and The Wardrobe.” it just felt so Lewisian,’ he says….