Please join us

Inspired by the life of C.S. Lewis, we invite you to partner with us to equip and encourage Christians to make a difference by being salt and light to the culture around them.
We specifically value the work of Christians in the worlds of education, ministry, and the arts, but help Christians to have greater impact wherever they are called to serve. Know that your generous contribution will be given in support of programs with the vision to restore a vital Christian presence throughout the world of learning, the arts, and the culture at large.
Thank you for being part of our community of ‘Mere Christians” making an impact for Christ in this world!
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Give with Purpose

Through your gift, you will be supporting the work of the C.S. Lewis Foundation in impacting the lives of individual Christians through our programs in the U.S. and U.K. Here are just a few testimonies from those our community has served:
“Joining that retreat set the course for nearly all of my post-graduation work as a writer, editor, poet, and lifelong student of classic literature. The Foundation was such a confirmation that there are so many of us who are working to bring the beauty and truth that the modern world is hungry for. What an honor to be connected to the C.S. Lewis Foundation. The Foundation introduced me into a community of faith, artists, and lovers of literature, truly assisting me in using my gifts and to “live my faith within the world of ideas and the arts.” — C.S. Lewis Retreat attendee
“The C.S. Lewis Summer Institute put me into a chamber of majestic thought where I heard the deepest tones of truth in music, thought, history and art. It was a “back to the future” experience in the classical world of CS Lewis and the Inklings. It played with the imagination and stirred the dream of a return to Christian culture that raises the level of everyday life into rich and expansive awareness of our Lord. My passion is the Christian home that has been decimated by the insistent drumbeat of our age. I returned home determined to bring my classes into the world of the ineffable kingdom through the books of such authors. Already, I am watching them expand and enlarge their capacity and hunger for deeper teaching of the things of God. Such is the fruit of the C.S. Lewis Summer Institute. Thank you for your dedication to the greatness of our Father’s provision in this life.” — C.S. Lewis Summer Institute attendee
“The home is the crown jewel of C.S. Lewis’ legacy. All the pictures and books and artifacts in the home simply bring his life into full color. I feel I now know both C.S. Lewis and his bride, Joy, much better. I did not hear any audible voices but there seemed to be an obvious “presence” of the Holy Spirit there. Overall, my two-week pilgrimage could not have been spiritually better. While on my holiday I was able to walk scores of miles and view countless remarkably beautiful and colorful countryside and well as the grandeur of eight very old cathedrals/abbeys. This was a privileged experience and again I thank you for assisting this long awaited and carefully planned pilgrimage, which was spiritually and personally transformational.” — Scholar in Residence at the C.S. Lewis Study Centre at “The Kilns”
Give with Confidence
Know that your generous contribution will be given directly in support of programs, both at home and in the field, with the vision to restore a vital Christian presence throughout the world of learning and the culture at large.
The C.S. Lewis Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the U.S. and a registered charity in the U.K.
Your Support Is Deeply Appreciated
Thank you so much for your part in making an impact for Christ in this world. We are grateful to you for your gift and for being part of our community.
If you’d like to learn more about us, our mission, and our core values, please visit our About Page here.