Sorted by Author
Below is a listing of the Nigel Turner Library collection, sorted by author. To search, please use your browser’s ‘search’ function (this can often be done using “ctrl F” – the ‘CTRL’ key and the ‘F’ key on your keyboard).
The Nigel Turner Library is a unique collection of late 19th and early 20th century theological works. The library’s primary focus is Biblical language and library contains many works that focus on the original language of the New Testament, such as translations of New Testament manuscripts and papyri, commentaries on the original texts and the translations, and studies of meaning and significance of particular terms.
Other works address the language of Old Testament manuscripts from the first century or of works by early Christian authors. The library also contains Biblical commentaries and works on Christian theology that provide context for the more narrowly-focused works on language.
1 | Title: [Greek dictionary]Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.]Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 07, Item 38 |
2 | Title: [The Scottish liturgy.]Publisher and date: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press.Location: Shelf 02, Item 12 |
3 | Title: [Todah ṿe-ḳol zimrah : be-vate kenesiyot bi-medinat Briṭanya li-melot 25 shanah le-memshelet ha-melekh ‘Gorg’ … ʻal kise malkhuto, yom 1. 9 Iyar 5695] = Prayer and thanksgiving : for the semi-jubilee of His Majesty’s accession to the throne, Sunday 12th May 5695-1935.Publisher and date: London : Office of the Chief Rabbi, [1935]Location: Shelf 01, Item 09 |
4 | Title: 1972 proceedings / edited by Robert A. Kraft for the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies and the Society of Biblical Literature Pseudepigrapha Seminar.Publisher and date: [Missoula, Mont. : Society of Biblical Literature], 1972.Location: Shelf 04, Item 27 |
5 | Title: A Commentary on the Holy Bible : complete in one volume, with general articles / by various writers ; edited by J.R. Dummelow ; complete in one volume with general articles and maps.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1909.Location: Shelf 01, Item 35 |
6 | Title: A companion to the Bible / original edition edited by T.W. Manson.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1963.Location: Shelf 01, Item 30 |
7 | Title: A dictionary of the Bible, dealing with its language, literature, and contents, including the biblical theology / edited by James Hastings ; with the assistance of John A. Selbie … [et al.].Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1898-1904.Location: Shelf 10, Item 08 |
8 | Title: A dictionary of the Bible, dealing with its language, literature, and contents, including the Biblical theology / edited by James Hastings ; with the assistance of John A. Selbie … [et al.].Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1898-1904.Location: Shelf 20, Item 22 |
9 | Title: A Hebrew and English lexicon of the Old Testament : with an appendix, containing the Biblical Aramaic / based on the lexicon of William Gesenius as translated by Edward Robinson ; edited, with constant reference to the Thesaurus of Gesenius as completed by E. Rödiger, and with authorized use of the latest German editions of Gesenius’s Handwörterbuch über das Alte Testament, by Francis Brown ; with the co-operation of S.R. Driver and Charles A. Briggs.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1906.Subject: English language Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 05, Item 83 |
10 | Title: A new commentary on Holy Scripture : including the Apocrypha / edited by Charles Gore, Henry Leighton Goudge, Alfred Guillaume.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1928.Location: Shelf 08, Item 01 |
11 | Title: A Patristic Greek lexicon / edited by G.W.H. Lampe.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1961-1968.Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D) Subject: Fathers of the church Location: Shelf 15, Item 23 |
12 | Title: A synopsis of the Gospels / H.F.D. Sparks.Publisher and date: London : A. and C. Black, 1970-1974.Location: Shelf 15, Item 27 |
13 | Title: Acta apostolorum apocrypha / ex triginta antiquis codicibus Graecis vel nunc primum eruit vel secundum atque emendatius edidit Constantinus Tischendorf.Publisher and date: Lipsiae : Avenarius et Mendelssohn, 1851.Subject: Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles. Location: Shelf 12, Item 45 |
14 | Title: American journal of philology.Publisher and date: Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press [etc.]Subject: Philology Subject: Classical philology Location: Shelf 09, Item 18 |
15 | Title: An English translation of the Epistle of Barnabas.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1923.Location: Shelf 02, Item 17 |
16 | Title: An English translation of the so-called Second epistle of Clement to the Corinthians.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1922Subject: Christian literature, Early. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 02, Item 23 |
17 | Title: An English translation of The teaching of the twelve apostles / [edited by T.W. Crafer.]Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1922.Subject: Church orders, Ancient. Location: Shelf 02, Item 14 |
18 | Title: An unpublished fragment of the Fourth gospel in the John Rylands library / edited by C.H. Roberts.Publisher and date: Manchester : The Manchester University Press, 1935.Location: Shelf 18, Item 30 |
19 | Title: Anthologia graeca : passages from the Greek poets / selected and arranged by Francis St. John Thackeray.Publisher and date: London : George Bell, 1890.Subject: Greek poetry. Location: Shelf 07, Item 06 |
20 | Title: Antilegomena : die Reste der ausserkanonischen Evangelien und urchristlichen Ueberlieferungen / herausgegeben und übersetzt von Erwin Preuschen.Publisher and date: Giessen : J. Ricker’sche, 1901.Subject: Apocryphal books (New Testament) Subject: Christian literature, Early. Location: Shelf 02, Item 52 |
21 | Title: Apocrypha. herausgegeben von Erich Klostermann.Publisher and date: Bonn : A. Marcus und E. Weber, 1908.Subject: Apocryphal books (New Testament) Location: Shelf 14, Item 04 |
22 | Title: Art fakes and forgeries.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1966]Subject: Art Location: Shelf 16, Item 46 |
23 | Title: Barlaam and Ioasaph / St. John Damascene ; with an English translation by G. R. Woodward and H. Mattingly.Publisher and date: London : William Heinemann ; 1914.Subject: Mythology, Greek Location: Shelf 07, Item 50 |
24 | Title: Bible today : the Jerusalem version, with commentary, illustrations and historical notesPublisher and date: London : Marshall Cavendish Ltd, 1970-Location: Shelf 05, Item 01 |
25 | Title: Biblia sacra, Vulgatæ editionis / sixti V pont. m. jussu recognita, et Clementis VIII.Publisher and date: Lugduni : Lambert-Gentot, 1844.Location: Shelf 02, Item 59 |
26 | Title: Bulletin of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies.Publisher and date: [Princeton, N.J.] : International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, 1968-Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 135 |
27 | Title: Christian worship : studies in its history and meaning / by members of Mansfield College ; edited by Nathaniel Micklem.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1936.Subject: Public worship Location: Shelf 12, Item 53 |
28 | Title: Das Neue Testament : nach der deutschen Übersetzung Martin Luthers / Neu durchgesehen nach dem vom Deutschen Evangelischen Kirchenausschuss genehmigten Text.Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1945.Location: Shelf 02, Item 48 |
29 | Title: Documents from Old Testament times / translated with introductions and notes by members of the Society for Old Testament Study and edited by D. Winton Thomas.Publisher and date: New York : Harper & Row, 1961, c1958.Location: Shelf 07, Item 08 |
30 | Title: Dogma in history and thought : studies by various writers / W. R. Matthews … [et al.]Publisher and date: London : Nisbet, 1929.Subject: Dogma Location: Shelf 13, Item 54 |
31 | Title: Ecclesiasticus : the Greek text of Codex 248 / edited with a textual commentary and prolegomena by J.H.A. Hart.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1909.Location: Shelf 06, Item 08 |
32 | Title: Elizabethan secular music.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1964]Location: Shelf 16, Item 41 |
33 | Title: Encyclopaedia biblica : a critical dictionary of the literary, political and religious history, the archaeology, geography and natural history of the Bible / edited by T.K. Cheyne and J. Sutherland Black.Publisher and date: London : A. & C. Black, 1914.Location: Shelf 15, Item 32 |
34 | Title: Essays Catholic & critical / by members of the Anglican communion ; edited by Edward Gordon Selwyn.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1929.Subject: Theology. Location: Shelf 01, Item 25 |
35 | Title: Essays presented to A. R. Vidler.Publisher and date: London : The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1965.Subject: Theology. Location: Shelf 04, Item 25 |
36 | Title: Faith in Christ and the worship of Christ : new approaches to devotion to Christ / Johann Auer … [et al.] ; edited by Leo Scheffczyk ; translated by Graham Harrison.Publisher and date: San Francisco : Ignatius Press ; c1986.Subject: Sacred Heart, Devotion to Location: Shelf 11, Item 14 |
37 | Title: Finding out about antique collecting.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1965]Subject: Antiques. Location: Shelf 16, Item 45 |
38 | Title: Finding out about costume : historical.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1965]Subject: Clothing and dress Location: Shelf 16, Item 42 |
39 | Title: Finding out about sightseeing in Britain.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1964]Location: Shelf 16, Item 40 |
40 | Title: From Bible to creed.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1949.Subject: Theology, Doctrinal Location: Shelf 03, Item 09 |
41 | Title: Fundamentalism : a religious problem : letters to the editor of the Times and a leading article.Publisher and date: London : The Times Publishing Co., 1955.Subject: Fundamentalism. Location: Shelf 16, Item 128 |
42 | Title: Hē Kainē Diathēkē.Publisher and date: London : The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958.Location: Shelf 12, Item 13 |
43 | Title: Hē pros Rōmaious epistolē = St. Paul’s Epistle to the Romans : with notes / by C.J. Vaughan.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1880.Location: Shelf 16, Item 26 |
44 | Title: Hebraic literature : translations from the Talmud, Mirashim, and Kabbala.Publisher and date: New York : Tudor Publishing, 1946.Subject: Hebrew literature Subject: English literature Location: Shelf 11, Item 22 |
45 | Title: Il Nuovo Testamento del Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo / secondo la traduzione di Giovanni Diodati.Publisher and date: [London] : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1849.Location: Shelf 02, Item 47 |
46 | Title: Introduction to the Bible / B.M. Metzger … [et al.]Publisher and date: London : SCM Press, 1960, c1959.Location: Shelf 09, Item 37 |
47 | Title: James Hope Moulton : 11th October 1863-7th April 1917.Publisher and date: London : The Epworth Press, 1963.Location: Shelf 04, Item 87 |
48 | Title: John : a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators / [the British and Foreign Bible Society]Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1960.Location: Shelf 16, Item 196 |
49 | Title: Journal of Biblical literature.Publisher and date: [Boston, Mass.] : Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, 1890-Location: Shelf 04, Item 72 |
50 | Title: Journal of theology for Southern Africa.Publisher and date: [Braamfontein, Transvaal, South African Council of Churches]Subject: Theology Subject: Theology Africa, Southern Location: Shelf 04, Item 22 |
51 | Title: Judaism and Christianity / essays by H. Loewe, W. L. Knox…[et. al.] ; edited by H. Loewe.Publisher and date: London : Sheldon Press ; 1937-1938.Subject: Christianity and other religions Subject: Judaism Location: Shelf 08, Item 28 |
52 | Title: Le Quatrième livre des Machabées : introd., traduction et notes / par André Dupont-Sommer.Publisher and date: Paris : H. Champion, 1939.Location: Shelf 06, Item 48 |
53 | Title: Les anciennes versions latines du deuxième livre des Paralipomènes / éditées par Robert Weber.Publisher and date: Rome : Abbaye Saint-Jérôme ; 1945.Location: Shelf 06, Item 46 |
54 | Title: Les devanciers d’Aquila : première publication intégrale du texte des fragments du Dodécaprophéton : trouvés dans le désert de Juda, précédée d’une étude sur les traductions et recensions grecques de la Bible réalisées au premier siècle de notre ère sous l’influence du rabbinat palestinien / par Dominique Barthélemy.Publisher and date: Leiden : Brill, 1963.Location: Shelf 08, Item 05 |
55 | Title: Les livres des Maccabées / par F.-M. Abel.Publisher and date: Paris : J. Gabalda, 1949.Location: Shelf 03, Item 32 |
56 | Title: Letters to young churches : a translation of the New Testament Epistles / by J.B. Phillips ; with an introduction by C.S. Lewis.Publisher and date: London : Collins/Fontana, 1955.Location: Shelf 13, Item 60 |
57 | Title: L’Évangile de Pierre / par Léon Vaganay; préface par le r. p. M.-J. Lagrange.Publisher and date: Paris : J. Gabalda et fils, 1930.Location: Shelf 16, Item 19 |
58 | Title: Liber Genesis / praeparavit Rud. Kittel.Publisher and date: Stuttgart : Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1963.Location: Shelf 06, Item 72 |
59 | Title: Liturgia Britannica, seu, Liber precum communium : juxta usum Ecclesi Britannicæ, una cum Psalterio, seu psalmis Davidis, quibus accesserunt forma et modus faciendi, ordinandi, et consecrandi episcopos, presbyteros, et diaconos, cum XXXIX articulis religionis.Publisher and date: London : Samuel Bagster and Sons, [between 1890 and 1910]Subject: Miniature books Location: Shelf 02, Item 49 |
60 | Title: Liturgy and worship : a companion to the prayer books of the Anglican communion / edited by W. K. Lowther Clarke ; with the assistance of Charles Harris.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1933.Location: Shelf 03, Item 20 |
61 | Title: Luke : a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators / [the British and Foreign Bible Society]Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1962.Location: Shelf 16, Item 13 |
62 | Title: Mark : a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators.Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958.Location: Shelf 18, Item 07 |
63 | Title: Matthew : a Greek-English Diglot for the use of translators / [The British and Foreign Bible Society]Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1959.Location: Shelf 16, Item 197 |
64 | Title: Megas ieros synekdēmos tou orthodoxou christianou.Publisher and date: Athēnai : Phōs, 1973.Subject: Orthodox Eastern Church Greece Location: Shelf 03, Item 12 |
65 | Title: Michael, Prince of Heaven, captain of the angelic hosts : with reference to the special associations of St. Michael with Cornwall.Publisher and date: London : J. M. Watkins, [1952]Subject: Michael (Archangel) Location: Shelf 12, Item 33 |
66 | Title: Mishnah Berachoth : The Hebrew text with English translation and commentary / by Hyman KleinPublisher and date: Liverpool : [H. Klein], 1948Location: Shelf 01, Item 08 |
67 | Title: Myself and my fellows : senior lessons on the agreed syllabuses / notes by L. E. Cox and E. H. Hayes.Publisher and date: Wallington, Surrey : The Religious Education Press, [194-]Subject: Christian education of children Location: Shelf 03, Item 18 |
68 | Title: Nachrichten von der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1941-2006.Subject: Philology. Subject: History. Location: Shelf 06, Item 65 |
69 | Title: New Testament Apocrypha / E. Hennecke ; edited by Wilhelm Schneemelcher ; English translation edited by R. McL. Wilson.Publisher and date: London : Lutterworth, 1963-1965.Subject: Apocryphal books (New Testament) Location: Shelf 18, Item 06 |
70 | Title: Nile valley, land of the Pharaohs / compiled and drawn in the Cartographic Division of the National Geographic Society.Publisher and date: Washington, D.C. : The National Geographic Society, 1965.Location: Shelf 16, Item 36 |
71 | Title: Novi testamenti Biblia graeca et latina / critico apparatu aucta edidit Joseph M. Bover.Publisher and date: Matriti [Spain] : Leopoldus, 1959.Location: Shelf 12, Item 19 |
72 | Title: Novum Testamentum Graece / cum apparatu critico curavit Eberhard Nestle novis curis elaboraverunt Erwin Nestle et Kurt Aland.Publisher and date: Stuttgart : Wurttembergische Bibelanstalt, 1964, c1927.Location: Shelf 12, Item 22 |
73 | Title: Novum Testamentum Graece / textui a retractatoribus Anglis adhibito brevem adnotationem criticam subiecit Alexander Souter.Publisher and date: Oxonii : E Typographeo Clarendoniano, [1910]Location: Shelf 15, Item 22 |
74 | Title: Novum testamentum Graece : cum apparatu critico / curavit Eberhard Nestle ; novis curis elaboraverunt Erwin Nestle et Kurt Aland.Publisher and date: Stuttgart : Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1964, c1927.Location: Shelf 18 Item 22 |
75 | Title: Novum Testamentum graece secundum textum Westcotto-Hortianum … / edidit S.C.E. Legg.Publisher and date: Oxonii : E typographeo Clarendoniano, 1935-Location: Shelf 20, Item 15 |
76 | Title: Novum Testamentum Latine : secundum editionem Sancti Hieronymi / ad codicum manuscriptorum fidem recensuerunt Iohannes Wordsworth et Henricus Iulianus White.Publisher and date: Oxonii : E Typographeo Clarendoniano, 1920.Location: Shelf 12, Item 23 |
77 | Title: One hundred ways to serenity / compiled by Celia Haddon.Publisher and date: London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1998.Subject: Stress management Subject: Stress (Psychology) Subject: Peace of mind Location: Shelf 07, Item 29 |
78 | Title: Psalmoi Solomōntos = Psalms of the Pharisees, commonly called The psalms of Solomon : the text newly revised from all the mss. / edited, with introduction, English translation, notes, appendix, and indices by Herbert Edward Ryle and Montague Rhodes James.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1891.Location: Shelf 09, Item 03 |
79 | Title: Report of committee on Greek accentuation.Publisher and date: London : John Murray, 1928.Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Location: Shelf 09, Item 22 |
80 | Title: Revue biblique / publiée par l’Ecole pratique d’études bibliques.Publisher and date: Paris : Librairie V. Lecoffre,Location: Shelf 04, Item 80 |
81 | Title: Romans and 1 and 2 Corinthians : a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators / [the British and Foreign Bible Society]Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1964.Location: Shelf 16, Item 12 |
82 | Title: Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians : a revised text / with introduction, notes and dissertations by J.B. Lightfoot.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1890.Location: Shelf 17, Item 15 |
83 | Title: Saint Paul’s Epistle to the Philippians : a revised text / with introduction, notes, and dissertations by J.B. Lightfoot.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1891.Location: Shelf 17, Item 16 |
84 | Title: Saint Paul’s Epistles to the Colossians and to Philemon : a rev. text with introductions, notes, and dissertations / by J.B. Lightfoot.Publisher and date: London ; Macmillan, 1890.Location: Shelf 08, Item 14 |
85 | Title: Scrolls from the wilderness of the Dead Sea : a guide to the exhibition, The Dead Sea Scrolls of Jordan / arranged by the Smithsonian Institution in cooperation with the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Palestine Archaeological Museum.Publisher and date: [London] : The Trustees of the British Museum, 1965.Location: |
86 | Title: Sefer Torah, Neviʻim, u-Ketuvim : meduyaḳ heṭev ʻal pi ha-masorah / hugah be-ʻiyun nimrats ʻal yede … Mei̓r ha-Leṿi Leṭeris.Publisher and date: Berlin : Terutzash, 689 [1929]Location: Shelf 06, Item 11 |
87 | Title: Select extracts from chronicles & records relating to English towns in the Middle ages / ed., with introduction, notes, and glossary, by F. J. C. Hearnshaw.Publisher and date: London : Society for promoting Christian knowledge ; 1919.Subject: Cities and towns, Medieval. Subject: Cities and towns Great Britain. Location: Shelf 02, Item 19 |
88 | Title: Selections from the Greek papyri / edited with translations and notes by George Milligan.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1910.Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Location: Shelf 07, Item 26 |
89 | Title: Septuaginta : id est, Vetus Testamentum graece iuxta LXX interpretes / edidit Alfred Rahlfs.Publisher and date: Stuttgart : Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt, 1952.Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 03, Item 25 |
90 | Title: Septuaginta : Vetus Testamentum Graecum / auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Gottingensis editum.Publisher and date: Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931-<1993 >Location: Shelf 06, Item 38 |
91 | Title: Septuaginta : Vetus Testamentum Graecum / auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Gottingensis editum.Publisher and date: Gottingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1931-<1993 >Location: Shelf 03, Item 37 |
92 | Title: Sifre ha-Berit ha-ḥadashah / ne`taḳim mi-lashon yaṿan le-lashon `Ivrit `al yede Frants Deliṭsh.Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1937.Location: Shelf 09, Item 29 |
93 | Title: St Mark / with introduction, commentary and additional notes by A.E.J. Rawlinson.Publisher and date: London : Methuen, 1925.Location: Shelf 15, Item 08 |
94 | Title: St Paul’s Epistle to the Ephesians : a revised text and translation / with exposition and notes by J. Armitage Robinson.Publisher and date: London : J. Clarke, [n.d.]Location: Shelf 14, Item 10 |
95 | Title: St. Luke : introduction, Authorized Version, Revised Version with notes, index and maps / edited by Walter F. Adeney.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T.C. & E.C. Jack, [1901]Location: Shelf 16, Item 33 |
96 | Title: St. Mark : The revised version / edited with introduction and notes for the use of schools by A.F. Hort and Mary Dyson Hort.Publisher and date: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1903.Location: Shelf 02, Item 30 |
97 | Title: Studia evangelica : papers presented to the International Congress on “The Four Gospels in 1957” held at Christ Church, Oxford, 1957 / Edited by Kurt Aland . . . [et al]Publisher and date: Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, 1959.Location: Shelf 18, Item 13 |
98 | Title: Studies in New Testament language and text : essays in honour of George D. Kilpatrick on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday / edited by J. K. Elliott.Publisher and date: Leiden : Brill, 1976.Location: Shelf 18, Item 37 |
99 | Title: Studies in the Gospels : essays in memory of R.H. Lightfoot / edited by D. E. Nineham.Publisher and date: Oxford : Blackwell, 1955.Location: Shelf 18, Item 15 |
100 | Title: Studying life in Elizabethan England.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1967]Location: Shelf 16, Item 44 |
101 | Title: Studying life in medieval England.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1966]Location: Shelf 16, Item 35 |
102 | Title: Studying life in Stuart England.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1965]Location: Shelf 16, Item 38 |
103 | Title: Studying the Arthurian legend.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1965]Subject: Arthurian romances Location: Shelf 16, Item 43 |
104 | Title: Studying the Bible.Publisher and date: [s.l.] : Britannica Extension Service, [1964]Location: Shelf 16, Item 39 |
105 | Title: Synopsis of the first three Gospels / Albert Huck.Publisher and date: Oxford : Blackwell, 1954.Location: Shelf 18, Item 33 |
106 | Title: Synopsis quattuor Evangeliorum / locis parallelis Evangeliorum apocryphorum et patrum adhibitis edidit Kurt Aland.Publisher and date: Stuttgart : Württembergische Bibelanstalt, c1964.Location: Shelf 15, Item 24 |
107 | Title: The acts of the apostles (revised version) / edited with introduction and notes for the use of schools by H. K. Luce.Publisher and date: London : A. & C. Black, 1938.Location: Shelf 13, Item 68 |
108 | Title: The Acts of the Apostles / with maps, notes and introduction by J. Rawson Lumby.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1885.Location: Shelf 12, Item 14 |
109 | Title: The Acts of the Apostles : an exposition / by Richard Belward Rackham.Publisher and date: London : Methuen, 1951.Location: Shelf 16, Item 14 |
110 | Title: The Acts of the Apostles : in the Revised Version / with introduction and commentary by A.W.F. Blunt.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1922. |
111 | Title: The Acts of the Apostles : the Greek text with introduction and commentary / by F.F. Bruce.Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1951.Location: Shelf 16, Item 07 |
112 | Title: The Acts of the apostles in the Revised version / with introduction and commentary by A.W.F. Blunt.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1934.Location: Shelf 13, Item 74 |
113 | Title: The annotated book of common prayer : being an historical, ritual, and theological commentary on the devotional system of the Church of England / edited by John Henry Blunt.Publisher and date: London : Longmans, Green, 1892.Location: Shelf 15, Item 33 |
114 | Title: The Apocalypse of Abraham / edited, with a translation from the Slavonic text and notes by G.H. Box ; with the assistance of J.I. Landsman.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1918.Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 07, Item 15 |
115 | Title: The Apocalypse of St. John, I-III : the Greek text with introduction, commentary, and additional notes / by F. J. A. Hort.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1908.Location: Shelf 13, Item 05 |
116 | Title: The Apocrypha : revised standard version of the Old Testament / Translated from the Greek and Latin tongues, being the version set forth A. D. 1611, rev. A. D. 1894, compared with the most ancient authorities and rev. A. D. 1957.Publisher and date: New York : Nelson, 1957.Location: Shelf 09, Item 32 |
117 | Title: The Apocrypha : translated out of the Greek and Latin tongues, being the version set forth A.D. 1611 compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1894.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1926.Location: Shelf 07, Item 02 |
118 | Title: The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament : in English : with introductions and critical and explanatory notes to the several books / edited, in conjunction with many scholars, by R.H. Charles.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1913.Location: Shelf 10, Item 01 |
119 | Title: The Apocryphal New Testament : being the Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Apocalypses : with other narratives and fragments / newly translated by Montague Rhodes James.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon, 1924.Subject: Apocryphal Gospels. Subject: Apocryphal books (New Testament) Location: Shelf 13, Item 53 |
120 | Title: The Apocryphal Old Testament / edited by H.F.D. Sparks.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1984.Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 09, Item 40 |
121 | Title: The Apostolic Fathers / J. B. Lightfoot.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1885-1890.Subject: Christian literature, Early. Location: Shelf 17, Item 18 |
122 | Title: The Ascension of Isaiah : translated from the Ethiopic version, which, together with the new Greek fragment, the Latin versions and the Latin translation of the Slavonic, is here published in full / edited with introduction, notes and indices by R.H. Charles.Publisher and date: London : A. & C. Black, 1900.Location: Shelf 07, Item 39 |
123 | Title: The background of the New Testament and its eschatology / edited by W. D. Davies and D. Daube in honour of Charles Harold Dodd.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1954.Subject: Eschatology Location: Shelf 18, Item 11 |
124 | Title: The beginnings of Christianity. edited by F.J. Foakes Jackson and Kirsopp Lake.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1920-1933.Location: Shelf 18, Item 23 |
125 | Title: The Bible : authorized version / editor, John Stirling ; drawings by Horace Knowles.Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1954.Location: Shelf 03, Item 19 |
126 | Title: The Bibliotheca sacra.Publisher and date: [Andover, Mass. : W.F. Draper, 1864-Subject: Theology Location: Shelf 01, Item 16 |
127 | Title: The Book of Books : a translation of the New Testament, complete & unabridged.Publisher and date: London : Lutterworth Press ; 1938.Location: Shelf 03, Item 22 |
128 | Title: The book of Enoch / by R.H. Charles ; with an introduction by W.O.E. Oesterley.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1917.Subject: Apocryphal books. Location: Shelf 07, Item 40 |
129 | Title: The book of Enoch / translated from Professor Dillmann’s Ethiopic text ; emended and revised in accordance with hitherto uncollated Ethiopic mss. and with the Gizeh and other Greek and Latin fragments which are here published in full ; edited with introduction, notes, appendices, and indices by R.H. Charles.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1893.Location: Shelf 01, Item 21 |
130 | Title: The book of Job / with introduction and notes by Edgar C. S. Gibson.Publisher and date: London : Methuen, 1899.Location: Shelf 01, Item 26 |
131 | Title: The book of Jubilees, or, The little Genesis / translated from the editor’s Ethiopic text and edited, with introduction, notes and indices by R.H. Charles.Publisher and date: London : A. and C. Black, 1902.Subject: Apocryphal books. Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 09, Item 04 |
132 | Title: The book of Judges in Greek : according to the text of Codex Alexandrinus / edited for the Syndics of the University Pres by A.E. Brooke and N. McLean.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1897.Location: Shelf 06, Item 06 |
133 | Title: The book of the secrets of Enoch / translated from the Slavonic by W. R. Morfill and edited, with introduction, notes and indices by R. H. Charles.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1896.Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 08, Item 27 |
134 | Title: The book of wisdom : with introduction and notes / edited by A.T.S. Goodrick.Publisher and date: London : Rivingtons, 1913.Location: Shelf 07, Item 52 |
135 | Title: The century Bible … : introduction ; revised version, with notes … index and maps.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T.C. & E.C. Jack, 1901-1904?Location: Shelf 02, Item 54 |
136 | Title: The century Bible : a modern commentary / edited by W.F. Adeney.Publisher and date: London : Caxton, [1901-1913?]Location: Shelf 02, Item 38 |
137 | Title: The code of Hammurabi / by Percy Handcock.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1920.Subject: Law Iraq Location: Shelf 07, Item 25 |
138 | Title: The Cowley carol book : compiled and arranged by G.R. Woodward. first series / compiled and arranged by G. R. Woodward ; second series, compiled and arranged by G. R. Woodward.Publisher and date: Oxford : A. R. Mowbray, [n.d.]Subject: Carols, English. Subject: Christmas music. Subject: Epiphany music. Subject: Easter music. Location: Shelf 07, Item 30 |
139 | Title: The Dead Sea Scrolls in English / G. Vermes.Publisher and date: Baltimore : Penguin, 1962.Location: Shelf 09, Item 39 |
140 | Title: The Early Christian Fathers : a selection from the writings of the Fathers from St. Clement of Rome to St. Athanasius / edited and translated by Henry Bettenson.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1969.Subject: Fathers of the church. Location: Shelf 12, Item 47 |
141 | Title: The emphatic diaglott: containing the original Greek text of what is commonly styled the New Testament (according to the recension of Dr. J. J. Griesback) : with an interlineary word for word English translation : a new emphatic version based on the interlineary translation, on the rendings of eminent critics, and on the various readings of the Vatican manuscript, no. 1209 in the Vatican library ; togethre with illustrative and explanatory foot notes, and a copious selection of references : to the whole of which is added a valuable alphabetical appendix / by Benjamin Wilson.Publisher and date: Brooklyn : International Bible Students Association; 1942.Location: Shelf 15, Item 07 |
142 | Title: The epistle of Barnabas / edited by T.W. Crafer.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1920.Location: Shelf 04, Item 26 |
143 | Title: The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Hebrews / edited by F.W. Farrar.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1883.Location: Shelf 16, Item 34 |
144 | Title: The Epistle of St Jude and the Second Epistle of St Peter : Greek text / with introductions, notes and comments by Joseph B. Mayor.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1907.Location: Shelf 17, Item 17 |
145 | Title: The Epistle of St. James / with an introduction and notes by R.J. Knowling.Publisher and date: London : Methuen, 1904.Location: Shelf 14, Item 11 |
146 | Title: The epistle to Diognetus : the Greek text / with introduction, translation and notes by Henry G. Meecham.Publisher and date: [Manchester] : Manchester University Press, 1949.Subject: Apologetics Subject: Christian literature, Early. Location: Shelf 14, Item 07 |
147 | Title: The Epistle to the Hebrews / edited by A. Nairne ; with introduction and notes.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1917.Location: Shelf 12, Item 21 |
148 | Title: The Epistle to the Hebrews / with introduction and notes by A. B. Davidson.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, [n.d.]Location: Shelf 04, Item 05 |
149 | Title: The Epistle to the Hebrews : in the revised version, with introduction and commentary / by F. D. V. Narborough.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1930.Location: Shelf 17, Item 05 |
150 | Title: The Epistle to the Hebrews : the Greek text / with notes and essays by Brooke Foss Westcott.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1889.Location: Shelf 09, Item 02 |
151 | Title: The Epistles of Paul the apostle to the Corinthians : in the revised version, with introduction and commentary / by Ernest Evans.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1930.Location: Shelf 15, Item 12 |
152 | Title: The epistles to Timothy and Titus / edited by A. E. Humphreys ; with introduction and notes.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1895.Location: Shelf 12, Item 40 |
153 | Title: The evangelical quarterly.Publisher and date: London : James Clarke & Co., 1929-Subject: Theology Location: Shelf 04, Item 30 |
154 | Title: The Expositor’s Bible commentary : with the New International Version of the Holy Bible. general editor: Frank E. Gaebelein ; associate editor: J.D. Douglas.Publisher and date: Grand Rapids : Regency Reference, c1984.Location: Shelf 06, Item 27 |
155 | Title: The fathers of the primitive Church / [selected and translated] by Herbert Musurillo.Publisher and date: New York : New American Library, 1966.Subject: Christian literature, Early. Location: Shelf 12, Item 06 |
156 | Title: The First Epistle of St Peter, I.1-II.17 : the Greek text / with introductory lecture, commentary and additional notes by F.J.A. Hort.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1898.Location: Shelf 14, Item 36 |
157 | Title: The First epistle of St. Peter : the Greek text / with introduction, notes and essays by Edward Gordon Selwyn.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1947.Location: Shelf 14, Item 39 |
158 | Title: The first epistle to the Corinthians : with notes, map, introduction and appendices / by J. J. Lias.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] Cambridge University press, 1897.Location: Shelf 16, Item 31 |
159 | Title: The four Gospels / a new translation from the Greek by E.V. Rieu.Publisher and date: London ; Penguin Books, 1952.Location: Shelf 04, Item 04 |
160 | Title: The General epistle of st. James / edited by E. H. Plumptre.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1878.Location: Shelf 12, Item 46 |
161 | Title: The general letters : a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators / [the British and Foreign Bible Society]Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1961.Location: Shelf 16, Item 11 |
162 | Title: The good news of Jesus : John’s gospel, new international version.Publisher and date: Bath [Eng.] : Gospel Gifts, c1999.Location: Shelf 07, Item 28 |
163 | Title: The Gospel according to S. Matthew / edited by B. T. D. Smith ; with introduction and notes.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1927.Location: Shelf 04, Item 10 |
164 | Title: The Gospel according to Saint Mark : in the revised version / with introduction and commentary by A.W.F. Blunt.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1934.Location: Shelf 02, Item 28 |
165 | Title: The Gospel according to Saint Matthew : in the revised version / with introduction and commentary by B.K. RatteyPublisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1938.Location: Shelf 02, Item 29 |
166 | Title: The Gospel according to St John : the Authorized Version / with introduction and notes by B. F. Westcott.Publisher and date: London : John Murray, 1887.Location: Shelf 11, Item 16 |
167 | Title: The Gospel according to St Mark / edited by G.F. Maclear.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : University Press, 1877.Location: Shelf 04, Item 19 |
168 | Title: The Gospel according to St Mark : the Greek text / with introduction, notes and indices by Henry Barclay Swete.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1902.Location: Shelf 14, Item 34 |
169 | Title: The Gospel according to St Mark : the Greek text / with introduction, notes, and indexes by Vincent Taylor.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1952.Location: Shelf 14, Item 37 |
170 | Title: The Gospel according to St. Luke : the Greek text / with introduction, notes, and indices by John Martin Creed.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1930.Location: Shelf 14, Item 35 |
171 | Title: The Gospel according to St. Mark : (revised version) / F. MarshallPublisher and date: London : George Gill, 1921.Location: Shelf 04, Item 09 |
172 | Title: The Gospel according to St. Matthew / with maps, notes and introduction by A. Carr.Publisher and date: Cambridge : Cambridge University press, 1894.Location: Shelf 02, Item 27 |
173 | Title: The Gospel according to St. Matthew : the Greek text / with introduction, notes, and indices by Alan Hugh M’Neile.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1915.Location: Shelf 15, Item 15 |
174 | Title: The Gospel of Luke / edited by E. Earle Ellis.Publisher and date: London : Nelson, 1966.Location: Shelf 15, Item 17 |
175 | Title: The Gospel of St. Peter : synoptical tables, with translations and critical apparatus / edited by H. von Schubert ; authorized English translation by Rev. John Macpherson.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1893.Location: Shelf 14, Item 06 |
176 | Title: The Greek New Testament / edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Bruce M. Metzger, Allen Wikgren.Publisher and date: New York : American Bible Society ; 1966.Location: Shelf 02, Item 50 |
177 | Title: The Greek New Testament according to the Majority Text / edited by Zane C. Hodges, Arthur L. Farstad ; consulting editors, Jakob van Bruggen … [et al.].Publisher and date: Nashville : T. Nelson Publishers, c1982.Location: Shelf 17, Item 04 |
178 | Title: The Greek Testament : with a critically revised text: a digest of various readings: marginal references to verbal and idiomatic usage: prolegomena: and a critical and exegetical commentary. For the use of theological students and ministers. In four volumes / By Henry Alford.Publisher and date: London : Rivingtons, 1874.Location: Shelf 08, Item 15 |
179 | Title: The Hibeh papyri / edited with translations and notes by Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt.Publisher and date: London : Egypt Exploration Fund, 1906-1955.Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Egypt Location: Shelf 10, Item 16 |
180 | Title: The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised by His Majesty’s special command. Appointed to be read in churches ; Authorized King James version ; printed by authority.Publisher and date: London ; Collins’ Clear-Type, 1970.Location: Shelf 13, Item 76 |
181 | Title: The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments : translated out of the original tongues, and with the former translations diligently compared and revised, by His Majesty’s special command / with various renderings and readings from the best authorities and the aids to the student of the Holy Bible.Publisher and date: London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, [1898]Location: Shelf 04, Item 03 |
182 | Title: The Holy Bible : containing the Old and New Testaments ; revised standard version ; translated from the original tongues, being the version set forth A. D. 1611, revised A. D. 1881-1885 and A. D. 1901, compared with the most ancient authorities and revised A.D. 1952.Publisher and date: London : T. Nelson, 1957.Location: Shelf 13, Item 56 |
183 | Title: The holy Bible : the revised version without the marginal notes of teh revisers / printed by order of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge and issued in connexion with the centenary of the British and Foreign Bible Society 1904.Publisher and date: Oxford : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1930Location: Shelf 02, Item 32 |
184 | Title: The Holy Bible : two-version edition, being the Authorised version with the differences of the Revised version printed in the margins so that both texts can be read from the same page.Publisher and date: Oxford : Oxford University Press, [1899]Location: Shelf 02, Item 35 |
185 | Title: The interpreter’s dictionary of the Bible : an illustrated encyclopedia identifying and explaining all proper names and significant terms and subjects in the Holy Scriptures, including the Apocrypha : with attention to archaeological discoveries and researches into the life and faith of ancient times / [Editorial board: George Arthur Buttrick, dictionary editor … [et al.]]Publisher and date: New York : Abingdon Press, c1962.Location: Shelf 10, Item 22 |
186 | Title: The journal of theological studies.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1899-Subject: Theology Location: Shelf 13, Item 08 |
187 | Title: The Jung codex : a newly recovered Gnostic papyrus ; three studies / by H.C. Puech, G. Quispel [and] W.C. van Unnik ; translated and edited by F.L. Cross.Publisher and date: London : Mowbray, 1955.Subject: Gnosticism. Subject: Jung codex. Location: Shelf 12, Item 44 |
188 | Title: The lectionary 1982 : according to the calendar, rules to order the service, and lectionary of the alternative service book 25 October 1981-30 November 1982.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; c1981.Subject: Lectionary preaching Location: Shelf 06, Item 12 |
189 | Title: The lively oracles of God : 1581, 1881, 1981.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.]Location: Shelf 13, Item 06 |
190 | Title: The lives of the prophets; Greek text and translation / by Charles Cutler Torrey.Publisher and date: Philadelphia : Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, 1946.Subject: Prophets. Location: Shelf 16, Item 129 |
191 | Title: The Mishnah / translated from the Hebrew, with introduction and brief explanatory notes, by Herbert Danby.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, [1933].Subject: Jewish Law. Location: Shelf 01, Item 43 |
192 | Title: The Modern churchman.Publisher and date: Oxford : Blackwell,Location: Shelf 04, Item 74 |
193 | Title: The New English Bible : New Testament.Publisher and date: [Oxford, Eng.] : Oxford University Press, 1961.Location: Shelf 03, Item 13 |
194 | Title: The New Testament : an American translation / by Edgar J. Goodspeed.Publisher and date: Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, [1923]Location: Shelf 13, Item 55 |
195 | Title: The New Testament : in the Revised version of 1881, with fuller references / [compiled by W.F. Moulton and F.H.A. Scrivener, revised by A.W. Greenup and J.H. Moulton].Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1910.Location: Shelf 03, Item 24 |
196 | Title: The New Testament in basic English.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1941.Subject: Basic English Location: Shelf 02, Item 34 |
197 | Title: The New Testament in historical and contemporary perspective : essays in memory of G. H. C. Macgregor / edited by Hugh Anderson and William Barclay.Publisher and date: Oxford : Blackwell, 1965.Location: Shelf 15, Item 19 |
198 | Title: The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : the revised verions / printed for the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1934.Location: Shelf 13, Item 49 |
199 | Title: The New Testament of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ : translated out of the Greek, being the version set forth, A.D. 1611 ; compared with the most ancient authorities and revised, A.D. 1881.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng] : Cambridge University Press, 1881.Location: Shelf 02, Item 37 |
200 | Title: The New Testament quotations : collated with the scriptures of the Old Testament, in the original Hebrew and the version of the lxx., and with the other writings, apocryphal, Talmudic, and classical, cited or alleged so to be : with notes and a complete index / by H. Gough.Publisher and date: London : Wolton and Maberly, 1855.Location: Shelf 09, Item 27 |
201 | Title: The New Testament text of Saint Ambrose / by R.W. Muncey.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1959.Location: Shelf 12, Item 50 |
202 | Title: The New Testament, in the original Greek / the text revised by Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1896-1898.Location: Shelf 12, Item 17 |
203 | Title: The Odes and Psalms of Solomon : now first published from the Syriac version / by J. Rendel Harris.Publisher and date: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1909.Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 06, Item 01 |
204 | Title: The Odes of Solomon / edited with introduction and notes by J.H. Bernard.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University press, 1912.Location: Shelf 09, Item 25 |
205 | Title: The Old Testament in Greek : according to the Septuagint / edited for the Syndics of the University Press by Henry Barclay Swete.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1909-1912.Location: Shelf 07, Item 54 |
206 | Title: The Old Testament in Greek, according to the text of Codex Vaticanus : supplemented from other uncial manuscripts, with a critical apparatus containing the variants of the chief ancient authorities for the text of the Septuagint / edited by Alan England Brooke and Norman McLean.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1906-1940.Location: Shelf 20, Item 06 |
207 | Title: The Old Testament pseudepigrapha / edited by James H. Charlesworth.Publisher and date: Garden City, N.Y : Doubleday, 1983-1985.Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 06, Item 26 |
208 | Title: The order of the administration of the Lord’s Supper or Holy Communion (1662) : with an alternative order from the book of 1928 and a devotion which may be said by the priest and people immediately before the celebration of the Holy Communion.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, [1935]Subject: Lord’s Supper Location: Shelf 16, Item 29 |
209 | Title: The Oxyrhynchus papyri / edited with translations and notes by Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt ; with six plates.Publisher and date: London : Egypt Exploration Fund, 1898-Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Egypt Location: Shelf 10, Item 17 |
210 | Title: The pastoral letters and Hebrews : a Greek-English diglot for the use of translators / [the British and Foreign Bible Society]Publisher and date: London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1963.Location: Shelf 16, Item 10 |
211 | Title: The Psalms of David : imitated in the language of the New Testament, and applied to the Christian state and worship ; by Isaac Watts. Hymns and spiritual songs, in three books. I. Collected from the Scriptures. II. Composed on Divine subjects. III. Prepared for the Lord’s Supper / by Isaac Watts ; A collection of hymns for public worship : intended as a supplement to Watts’s Psalms and Hymns.Publisher and date: London : Osborne and Griffin, 1803.Location: Shelf 02, Item 45 |
212 | Title: The resultant Greek testament : exhibiting the text in which the majority of the modern editors are agreed, and containing the readings of Stephens (1550) … [et al.] / by Richard Francis Weymouth ; with an introd. by John James Stewart Perowne.Publisher and date: London : J. Clarke, 1905.Location: Shelf 12, Item 16 |
213 | Title: The Revelation of S. John the Divine / with notes and introduction by William Henry Simcox.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1893.Location: Shelf 12, Item 15 |
214 | Title: The Revelation of S. John the Divine : with notes and introduction / by the late William Henry Simcox.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1902, c1890.Location: Shelf 13, Item 67 |
215 | Title: The school and college St. Luke / by F. MarshallPublisher and date: London : George Gill, [1898]Location: Shelf 04, Item 21 |
216 | Title: The second epistle general of Peter and the general epistle of Jude / edited by Montague Rhodes James ; with introduction and notes.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1912.Location: Shelf 04, Item 11 |
217 | Title: The sibylline oracles, books III-V / [edited and translated] by H.N. Bate.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1918.Subject: Oracles. Subject: Sibyls. Location: Shelf 07, Item 53 |
218 | Title: The teaching of the twelve apostles / edited by T.W. Crafer.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1920.Subject: Christian ethics Subject: Church polity Location: Shelf 02, Item 21 |
219 | Title: The Testament of Abraham : the Greek recensions / translated by Michael E. Stone.Publisher and date: [New York] : Society of Biblical Literature, 1972.Location: Shelf 06, Item 30 |
220 | Title: The Testament of Solomon : edited from manuscripts at Mount Athos, Bologna, Holkham Hall, Jerusalem, London, Milan, Paris and Vienna / with introduction by Chester Charlton McCown.Publisher and date: Leipzig : J. C. Hinrichs, 1922.Subject: Demonology. Location: Shelf 04, Item 02 |
221 | Title: The Testaments of the twelve patriarchs : translated from the editor’s Greek text and edited, with introduction, notes, and indices / by R.H. Charles.Publisher and date: London : Adam and Charles Black, 1908.Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 09, Item 15 |
222 | Title: The theology of confirmation.Publisher and date: London : The Church Book Room Press, 1963.Subject: Confirmation Location: Shelf 04, Item 28 |
223 | Title: Theologische Realenzyklopädie / in Gemeinschaft mit Horst Robert Balz … [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Gerhard Krause und Gerhard Müller.Publisher and date: Berlin ; Walter de Gruyter, 1977-<2007>Subject: Christianity Location: Shelf 11, Item 24 |
224 | Title: Theologische Realenzyklopädie : Abkurzungsverzeichnis / zusammengestellt von Siegfried Schwertner.Publisher and date: Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1976.Subject: Church history Subject: Religion Subject: Theology Location: Shelf 11, Item 23 |
225 | Title: Theology today.Publisher and date: Princeton, N.J. : Westminster Press, 1944-Subject: Theology Subject: Calvinism Location: Shelf 16, Item 173 |
226 | Title: Theology.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.Subject: Theology Location: Shelf 08, Item 30 |
227 | Title: Understanding the Bible : a theological, historical and archaeological commentary.Publisher and date: [London] : Marshall Cavendish, [1970-72]Location: Shelf 05, Item 79 |
228 | Title: What about the New Testament? : essays in honour of Christopher Evans / edited by Morna Hooker and Colin Hickling.Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1975.Location: Shelf 16, Item 15 |
229 | Title: Zeitschrift für die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche.Publisher and date: Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1900-Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 16, Item 08 |
230 | Title: A primer of Greek grammar / by Evelyn Abbott and E. D. Mansfield ; witha preface by John Percival.Author: Abbott, Evelyn, 1843-1901.Publisher and date: London : Rivingtons, 1905. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 09, Item 36 |
231 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the Ephesians and to the Colossians / by T. K. Abbott.Author: Abbott, Thomas Kingsmill, 1829-1913.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T & T Clark, 1897. Location: Shelf 14, Item 23 |
232 | Title: A manual Greek lexicon of the New Testament / by G. Abbott-Smith.Author: Abbott-Smith, George.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1937. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 13, Item 03 |
233 | Title: Grammaire du grec biblique : suivie d’un Choix de papyrus / par F. M. Abel.Author: Abel, F.-M. 1878-1953.Publisher and date: Paris : J. Gabalda, 1927. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 06, Item 73 |
234 | Title: Studies in Pharisaism and the Gospels / by I. Abrahams.Author: Abrahams, Israel, 1858-1925.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University press, 1924. Subject: Pharisees. Location: Shelf 17, Item 03 |
235 | Title: Aeschylus : Prometheus vinctus (Prometheus chained) / literally translated by Roscoe Mongan.Author: Aeschylus.Publisher and date: London : James Cornish, [1864] Subject: Prometheus (Greek deity) Subject: Greek drama (Tragedy) Location: Shelf 04, Item 93 |
236 | Title: The Eumenides (The furies) of Aeschylus / translated into rhyming verse by Gilbert Murray.Author: Aeschylus.Publisher and date: London : G. Allen & Unwin, 1925. Subject: Erinyes (Greek mythology) Subject: Orestes (Greek mythology) Location: Shelf 07, Item 05 |
237 | Title: The Oresteian trilogy : Agamemnon, The Choephori, The Eumenides / translated by Philip Vellacott.Author: Aeschylus.Publisher and date: Harmondsworth [Eng.] : Penguin, 1959. Subject: Greek drama Location: Shelf 07, Item 46 |
238 | Title: “The light of inspiration and secret of interpretation : being a translation of the Chapter of Joseph (Sūrat Yūsuf) with the commentary of Nasir Id-Din Al-Baidāwī / by Eric F. F. Bishop with the help of Mohamed Kaddal.Author: al-Bayḍāwī, ‘Abd Allāh ibn ‘Umar, d. 1286?Publisher and date: Glasgow : Jackson, 1957. Location: Shelf 18, Item 19 |
239 | Title: A short introduction to the Old Testament : a graded course for middle forms / by Irene Allen.Author: Allen, Irene.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1935. Location: Shelf 07, Item 12 |
240 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the Gospel according to S. Matthew / by Willoughby C. Allen.Author: Allen, Willoughby C. 1867-1953.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1912. Location: Shelf 14, Item 18 |
241 | Title: Where Jesus worked : towns and villages of Galilee studied with the help of local history / by Albrecht Alt ; translated by Kenneth Grayston.Author: Alt, Albrecht, 1883-1956.Publisher and date: London : Epworth Press, 1961. Location: Shelf 04, Item 91 |
242 | Title: -ikos bei Plato : Ableitung und Bedeutung mit Materialsammlungm / vorgelegt von Adolf Ammann.Author: Ammann, A. N. 1915-Publisher and date: Freiburg : Paulusdruckerei, 1953. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 08, Item 36 |
243 | Title: De mysteriis / Andocides ; edited with critical and explanatory notes by W. J. Hickie.Author: Andocides, ca. 440-ca. 390 B.C.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, [1885] Subject: Speeches, addresses, etc., Greek. Location: Shelf 07, Item 35 |
244 | Title: A text book of modern Greek : an easy and methodical study of Greek with exercises / by Sophocles Ch. Andreades ; a foreword by F. F. Bruce.Author: Andreades, Sophocles Christodoulou.Publisher and date: Manchester : [S. Ch. Andreades], 1974. Subject: Greek language, Modern Location: Shelf 06, Item 59 |
245 | Title: A primer of Old Testament text criticism / by D. R. Ap-Thomas.Author: Ap-Thomas, D. R.Publisher and date: Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1964, c1965. Location: Shelf 02, Item 33 |
246 | Title: The frogs of Aristophanes / translated into English rhyming verse by Gilbert Murray.Author: Aristophanes.Publisher and date: London : George Allen & Unwin, 1912. Subject: Greek drama (Comedy) Location: Shelf 07, Item 04 |
247 | Title: A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature : a translation and adaptation of Walter Bauer’s Griechisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments …, fourth revised and augmented edition, 1952 / by William F. Arndt and F. Wilbur Gingrich.Author: Arndt, William, 1880-1957.Publisher and date: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1957. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 23 |
248 | Title: De Philonis Byzantii dicendi genere / scripsit Maximilianus Arnim.Author: Arnim, Max, b. 1889.Publisher and date: Gryphiae, Typis Ae. Hartmann, 1912. Location: Shelf 04, Item 01 |
249 | Title: The restored pronunciation of Greek and Latin : with tables and practical illustrations / by Edward Vernon Arnold and Robert Seymour Conway.Author: Arnold, Edward Vernon, 1857-1926.Publisher and date: Cambridge : University Press, 1908. Subject: Greek language Subject: Latin language Location: Shelf 01, Item 14 |
250 | Title: Life and immortality : an examination of the nature and meaning of life and death as they are revealed in the Scriptures / by Basil F. C. Atkinson.Author: Atkinson, Basil Ferris Campbell, 1895-Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n.], 1969? Subject: Life Subject: Death Location: Shelf 11, Item 08 |
251 | Title: S. Aurelius Augustinus episcopus Hipponensis : de catechizandis rudibus, de fide rerum quae non videntur, de utilitate credendi / edidit C. Marriott.Author: Augustine,Publisher and date: Oxonii [Oxford] : J.Parker, 1869. Subject: Catechetics Subject: Catechetics Location: Shelf 04, Item 12 |
252 | Title: St. Augustine’s De catechizandis rudibus : a literal / translated by R.K. Davis and E.B. Lock.Author: Augustine,Publisher and date: London : G. Bell, 1913. Subject: Catechetics Subject: Theology, Doctrinal Location: Shelf 13, Item 66 |
253 | Title: An apology for the true Christian divinity : being an explanation and vindication of the principles and doctrines of the people called Quakers / by Robert Barclay.Author: Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690.Publisher and date: London : Edward Marsh, 1849. Subject: Quakers Location: Shelf 08, Item 21 |
254 | Title: The plain man looks at the Beatitudes / William Barclay.Author: Barclay, William, 1907-1978.Publisher and date: London : Collins, 1963. Location: Shelf 07, Item 32 |
255 | Title: A history of the early church to A.D. 325 : for schools and colleges / L.W. Barnard.Author: Barnard, Leslie W.Publisher and date: London : Mowbray, 1966. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 12, Item 07 |
256 | Title: A history of the early church to A.D. 325 : for schools and colleges / L.W. Barnard.Author: Barnard, Leslie W.Publisher and date: London : Mowbray, 1966. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 13, Item 04 |
257 | Title: A new Psalms fragment / by J. W. B. Barns and G. D. Kilpatrick.Author: Barns, J. W. B.Publisher and date: [London : Oxford University Press, n.d.] Location: Shelf 06, Item 66 |
258 | Title: Biblical words for time / James Barr.Author: Barr, James, 1924-2006.Publisher and date: London : SCM Press, 1962. Subject: Time. Location: Shelf 13, Item 47 |
259 | Title: The semantics of Biblical language / by James Barr.Author: Barr, James, 1924-2006.Publisher and date: [London] : Oxford University Press, 1961. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Subject: Hebrew language. Location: Shelf 17, Item 08 |
260 | Title: A commentary on the first epistle to the Corinthians / C.K. Barrett.Author: Barrett, C. K. 1917-Publisher and date: London : A. & C. Black, 1971. Location: Shelf 16, Item 03 |
261 | Title: The Gospel according to st John : an introduction with commentary and notes on the Greek text / by C. K. Barrett.Author: Barrett, C. K. 1917-.Publisher and date: London : S.P.C.K, 1955. Location: Shelf 15, Item 30 |
262 | Title: A guide to the Epistles of Saint Paul / by Herbert Newell Bate.Author: Bate, H. N. 1871-1941.Publisher and date: London : Longmans, Green, 1933. Location: Shelf 16, Item 30 |
263 | Title: Griechisch-deutsches Wörterbuch zu den Schriften des Neuen Testaments und der übrigen urchristlichen Literatur / von Walter Bauer.Author: Bauer, Walter, 1877-1960.Publisher and date: Berlin : A. Töpelmann, 1952. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 20, Item 05 |
264 | Title: Jesus and the future : an examination of the criticism of the eschatological discourse, Mark 13, with special reference to the little apocalypse theory / G.R. Beasley-Murray.Author: Beasley-Murray, George Raymond, 1916-2000.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan ; 1954. Subject: Eschatology Location: Shelf 17, Item 06 |
265 | Title: The missing fragment of the Latin translation of the Fourth Book of Ezra / discovered, and edited with an introduction and notes, by Robert L. Bensly.Author: Bensly, Robert L. 1831-1893.Publisher and date: Cambridge : At the University Press, 1875. Subject: Manuscripts, Latin France Location: Shelf 10, Item 14 |
266 | Title: Documents of the Christian church / selected and edited by Henry Bettenson.Author: Bettenson, Henry Scowcroft.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1967. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 13, Item 62 |
267 | Title: Jerusalem under the high-priests : five lectures on the period between Nehemiah and the New Testament / Edwyn Bevan.Author: Bevan, Edwyn Robert, 1870-1943.Publisher and date: London : Edward Arnold, 1904. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 08, Item 23 |
268 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles of St. Peter and St. Jude / by Charles Bigg.Author: Bigg, Charles, 1840-1908.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1902. Location: Shelf 14, Item 29 |
269 | Title: The Christian Platonists of Alexandria : eight lectures preached before the University of Oxford in the year 1886 on the foundation of the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A. canon of Salisbury / by Charles Bigg.Author: Bigg, Charles, 1840-1908.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1886. Subject: Neoplatonism. Location: Shelf 11, Item 18 |
270 | Title: Origines ecclesiasticae : the antiquities of the Christian church. By Joseph Bingham.Author: Bingham, Joseph, 1668-1723.Publisher and date: London : Reeves and Turner, 1878. Subject: Church polity Subject: Christian antiquities. Subject: Church history Subject: Clergy. Subject: Absolution. Location: Shelf 20, Item 17 |
271 | Title: The Bodmer papyrus of the gospel of John / by J. N. Birdsall.Author: Birdsall, J. Neville 1928-Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1960. Location: Shelf 16, Item 49 |
272 | Title: MS 894 : a collation and an analysis / J. Neville Birdsall.Author: Birdsall, J. Neville.Publisher and date: Freiberg ; Herder, [1963] Location: Shelf 04, Item 77 |
273 | Title: Bethlehem and the nativity : some travesties of Christmas / by Eric F. F. Bishop.Author: Bishop, Eric F. F.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n.], 1964. Subject: Christmas. Location: Shelf 16, Item 145 |
274 | Title: ‘He took a loaf’ / Eric F. F. Bishop.Author: Bishop, Eric F. F.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Subject: Last Supper. Location: Shelf 16, Item 106 |
275 | Title: The reasonableness of Christ / by Eric F. F. Bishop.Author: Bishop, Eric F. F.Publisher and date: [s.l. : Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1965] Location: Shelf 16, Item 76 |
276 | Title: Apostles of Palestine : the local background to the New Testament church / Eric F. Bishop.Author: Bishop, Eric F. F.Publisher and date: London : Lutterworth Press, 1958. Subject: Christianity and other religions Location: Shelf 12, Item 31 |
277 | Title: Men of God’s good pleasure / by Eric F. F. Bishop.Author: Bishop, Eric. F. F.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n.], 1966. Location: Shelf 16, Item 190 |
278 | Title: An Aramaic approach to the Gospels and Acts / by Matthew Black.Author: Black, Matthew.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1954. Location: Shelf 15, Item 01 |
279 | Title: An Aramaic approach to the Gospels and Acts / by Matthew Black.Author: Black, Matthew.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1967. Location: Shelf 13, Item 01 |
280 | Title: The Maranatha invocation and Jude 14, 15 (1 Enock 1:9) / Matthew Black.Author: Black, Matthew.Publisher and date: [Cambridge] : Cambridge University Press, 1973. Location: Shelf 10, Item 12 |
281 | Title: The scrolls and Christian origins : studies in the Jewish background of the New Testament / by Matthew Black.Author: Black, Matthew.Publisher and date: London : Nelson, c1961. Subject: Christianity Location: Shelf 06, Item 25 |
282 | Title: The United Bible Socities’ Greek New Testament evaluated : a reply / Matthew Black.Author: Black, Matthew.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1977] Location: Shelf 16, Item 136 |
283 | Title: Marcion and his influence / by E.C. Blackman.Author: Blackman, E. C.Publisher and date: London : SPCK, 1948. Location: Shelf 18, Item 31 |
284 | Title: A Greek grammar of the New Testament and other early Christian literature / F. Blass and A. Debrunner ; a translation and revision of the 9th-10th German edition, incorporating supplementary notes of A. Debrunner by Robert W. Funk.Author: Blass, Friedrich, 1843-1907.Publisher and date: Cambridge : University Press ; 1961. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 15, Item 26 |
285 | Title: Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Griechisch / Friedrich Blass ; bearbeitet von Albert Debrunner.Author: Blass, Friedrich, 1843-1907.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1949-1950. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 15, Item 03 |
286 | Title: Gedenken und Gedächtnis in der Welt des Alten Testaments : Franz Delitzsch-Vorlesungen 1960 / von P.A.H. de Boer.Author: Boer, Pieter Arie Hendrik de, 1910-Publisher and date: Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, 1962. Subject: Memory Location: Shelf 06, Item 39 |
287 | Title: Dictionnaire étymologique de la langue grecque : étudiée dans ses rapports avec les autres langues indo-européennes / par Émile Boisacq.Author: Boisacq, Émile, 1865-1945.Publisher and date: Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1916. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 06, Item 04 |
288 | Title: The Bible in Spain : or, The journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman in an attempt to circulate the scriptures in the Peninsula / by George Borrow.Author: Borrow, George Henry, 1803-1881.Publisher and date: London : J.M. Dent and Sons, 1906. Location: Shelf 02, Item 51 |
289 | Title: San Vitale Ravenna / Giuseppe Bovini ; translated by Basil Taylor.Author: Bovini, Giuseppe.Publisher and date: Milano : Silvana, c1956. Subject: Mosaics Italy Location: Shelf 16, Item 178 |
290 | Title: Judaism in the Greek period : from the rise of Alexander the Great to the intervention of Rome (333-63 B.C.) / by G.H. Box.Author: Box, G. H. 1869-1933.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1932. Subject: Hebrew poetry, Biblical Location: Shelf 06, Item 13 |
291 | Title: Jerusalem to Rome in the path of st. Paul / by David S. Boyer ; with illustrations and photographs by the author.Author: Boyer, David S.Publisher and date: Washington, D.C. : [National Geographic Society, 1956] Location: Shelf 15, Item 28 |
292 | Title: New light from new translations / by W. J. Bradnock.Author: Bradnock, W. J.Publisher and date: London : The British and Foreign Bible Society, c1950. |
293 | Title: A history of Israel / John Bright.Author: Bright, John, 1908-1995.Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1960. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 08, Item 03 |
294 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the Johannine epistles / by A.E. Brooke.Author: Brooke, Alan England, 1863-1939.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1912. |
295 | Title: Are the New Testament documents reliable? / by F. F. Bruce.Author: Bruce, F. F. 1910-1990.Publisher and date: London : Inter-Varsity Fellowship of Evangelical Unions, 1943. Location: Shelf 12, Item 30 |
296 | Title: Tamieion ton tes Kaines Diathekes lexeon sive concordantiae omnium vocum Novi Testamenti Graeci … / cura Caroli Hermanni Bruder.Author: Bruder, Carl Hermann, 1812-1892.Publisher and date: Lipsiae : sumptibus Ernesti Bredtii, 1867. Location: Shelf 10, Item 13 |
297 | Title: Gerechtigkeit : eine Lehre von den Grundgesetzen der Gesellschaftsordnung / Emil Brunner.Author: Brunner, Emil, 1889-1966.Publisher and date: Zürich : Zwingli-Verlag, c1943. Subject: Justice. Subject: Social justice. Location: Shelf 12, Item 37 |
298 | Title: Introduction to the study of the Greek dialects : grammar, selected inscriptions, glossary / by Carl Darling Buck.Author: Buck, Carl Darling, 1866-1955.Publisher and date: Boston : Ginn and Company, c1910. Subject: Greek language Subject: Inscriptions, Greek. Location: Shelf 07, Item 07 |
299 | Title: Mark 16 8 / [K. Budde]Author: Budde, K.Publisher and date: [Leipzig : W. Drugulin, 1927] Location: Shelf 16, Item 139 |
300 | Title: Das Evangelium des Johannes / Erklärt von D. Rudolf BultmannAuthor: Bultmann, Rudolf, 1884-1976.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1941 Location: Shelf 17, Item 02 |
301 | Title: A diagnosis of boredom / by T. A. Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. A.Publisher and date: Salisbury [Eng.] : A. W. Bardwell (printer), [1977] Subject: Boredom. Location: Shelf 08, Item 37 |
302 | Title: Blasphemy : st. Mark’s Gospel as damnation history / T. A. Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: Leiden : [s.n.], 1975. Location: Shelf 16, Item 88 |
303 | Title: Die vorstellung vom wunder mit besonderer berücksichtigung des Markusevangeliums / von T. Alec Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: Darmstadt [Ger.] : Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1980. Location: Shelf 08, Item 33 |
304 | Title: Miraculous healing in the Gospels / by T. A. Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: [Salisbury, Eng. : A. W. Bardwell, 1973] Location: Shelf 16, Item 195 |
305 | Title: Mysterious revelation : an examination of the philosophy of St. Mark’s Gospel / T.A. Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1963. |
306 | Title: New light on the earliest Gospel : seven Markan studies / by T. A. BurkillAuthor: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1972. Location: Shelf 14, Item 41 |
307 | Title: St. Augustine’s notion of nothingness in the light of some recent cosmological speculation / T. A. Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: Wetteren, Belgium : Cultura Press, [1974] Subject: Biblical Cosmology. Location: Shelf 16, Item 175 |
308 | Title: The condemnation of Jesus : a critique of Sherwin-White’s thesis / by T. A. Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: Leiden : E. J. Brill, [1970] Location: Shelf 16, Item 89 |
309 | Title: The evolution of Christian thought / by T. A. Burkill.Author: Burkill, T. Alec.Publisher and date: Ithaca [N.Y.] : Cornell University Press, 1971. Subject: Theology, Doctrinal Location: Shelf 13, Item 85 |
310 | Title: The gospel history and its transmission / by F. Crawford Burkitt.Author: Burkitt, F. Crawford 1864-1935.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, [1907] Location: Shelf 14, Item 17 |
311 | Title: The old Latin and the Itala : with an appendix containing the text of the S. Gallen Palimpsest of Jeremiah / by F. C. Burkitt.Author: Burkitt, F. Crawford 1864-1935.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1896. Location: Shelf 12, Item 32 |
312 | Title: The Aramaic origin of the fourth Gospel / by C. F. Burney.Author: Burney, C. F. 1868-1925.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon Press, 1922. Location: Shelf 18, Item 03 |
313 | Title: The Dead Sea scrolls / by Millar Burrows ; with translations by the author.Author: Burrows, Millar, 1889-1980 .Publisher and date: London : Secker & Warburg, 1956. Location: Shelf 09, Item 33 |
314 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians / by Ernest De Witt Burton.Author: Burton, Ernest DeWitt, 1856-1925.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1921. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 14, Item 22 |
315 | Title: Syntax of the moods and tenses in New Testament Greek / by Ernest De Witt Burton.Author: Burton, Ernest DeWitt, 1856-1925.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1898. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 17, Item 13 |
316 | Title: The originality of St. Matthew : a critique of the two-document hypothesis / by B.C. Butler.Author: Butler, Basil Christopher.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1951. Subject: Two source hypothesis (Synoptics criticism) Location: Shelf 13, Item 46 |
317 | Title: Who is Jesus? : a plea for a return to belief in Jesus, the Messiah : a study paper to further the restoration of Biblical faith / by Anthony F. Buzzard.Author: Buzzard, Anthony F.Publisher and date: Oregon, Ill. : The Restoration Herald, [n.d.] Subject: Christianity. Location: Shelf 11, Item 07 |
318 | Title: Lexical Notes on Luke-Acts. Henry J. Cadbury.Author: Cadbury, Henry J.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1925] Location: Shelf 16, Item 193 |
319 | Title: Lexical notes on Luke-Acts.Author: Cadbury, Henry J.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1926] Location: Shelf 16, Item 194 |
320 | Title: Lexical notes on Luke-Acts. Henry J. Cadbury.Author: Cadbury, Henry J.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1926] Location: Shelf 16, Item 90 |
321 | Title: The relative pronouns in Acts and Elsewhere / Henry J. Cadbury.Author: Cadbury, Henry J.Publisher and date: [Leipzig : W. Drugulin, 1923] Location: Shelf 16, Item 138 |
322 | Title: Jesus : what manner of man / Henry J. Cadbury.Author: Cadbury, Henry Joel, 1883-1974.Publisher and date: London : S. P. C. K., 1962. Location: Shelf 04, Item 95 |
323 | Title: The making of Luke-Acts / by Henry J. Cadbury.Author: Cadbury, Henry Joel, 1883-1974.Publisher and date: London : S. P. C. K., 1958. Location: Shelf 04, Item 96 |
324 | Title: The parables of Jesus : their art and use / By A. T. Cadoux.Author: Cadoux, Arthur Temple, 1874-1948.Publisher and date: London : J. Clarke, [n.d.] Location: Shelf 04, Item 88 |
325 | Title: The Old Testament and modern discovery / by Stephen L. Caiger.Author: Caiger, Stephen L.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; [1938] Subject: Excavations (Archaeology) Location: Shelf 04, Item 18 |
326 | Title: Christianity according to S. Luke / by S. C. Carpenter.Author: Carpenter, S. C. b. 1877.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. Location: Shelf 18, Item 09 |
327 | Title: Divine sovereignty and human responsibility : biblical perspectives in tension / D.A. Carson.Author: Carson, D. A.Publisher and date: London : Marshall, Morgan & Scott, c1981. Subject: Providence and government of God. Subject: Responsibility. Location: Shelf 17, Item 11 |
328 | Title: The office of Compline : for Sundays and the greater festivals.Author: Catholic Church.Publisher and date: London : Catholic Truth Society, 1917. Subject: Divine office Subject: Compline. Location: Shelf 03, Item 15 |
329 | Title: Etudes sur le vocabulaire grec / Pierre Chantraine.Author: Chantraine, Pierre, 1899-1974.Publisher and date: Paris : Librairie E. Klincksieck, 1956. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 06, Item 49 |
330 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the Revelation of St. John / with introduction, notes, and indices, also the Greek text and English translation by R.H. Charles.Author: Charles, R. H. 1855-1931.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1920. Location: Shelf 14, Item 30 |
331 | Title: Religious development between the Old and the New Testaments / by R. H. Charles.Author: Charles, R. H. 1855-1931.Publisher and date: London : Williams and Norgate, 1914. Subject: Judaism Location: Shelf 07, Item 43 |
332 | Title: Studies in the Apocalypse : being lectures delivered before the University of London / R. H. Charles.Author: Charles, R. H. 1855-1931.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1913. Location: Shelf 14, Item 08 |
333 | Title: The Christian church and the See of Rome / by C. Leopold Clarke ; with foreword by H. Tydeman ChilversAuthor: Clarke, Charles Leopold.Publisher and date: London : Protestant Truth Society, [1932] Subject: Protestant churches Subject: Persecution. Subject: Papacy Location: Shelf 12, Item 41 |
334 | Title: For Christ’s Sake : a reply to the the Bishop of Woolwich’s book Honest to God and a positive continuation of the discussion / by O. Fielding ClarkeAuthor: Clarke, Oliver Fielding.Publisher and date: Wallington : Religious Education Press, 1963. Subject: Christianity Location: Shelf 12, Item 43 |
335 | Title: Primitive Christianity and its non-Jewish sources / by Carl Clemen ; translated by Robert G. Nisbet.Author: Clemen, Carl, 1865-1940.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1912. Subject: Christianity and other religions. Location: Shelf 01, Item 38 |
336 | Title: The epistle of St. Clement of Rome.Author: ClementPublisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 02, Item 16 |
337 | Title: A linguistic approach to the problem of structure and composition of The shepherd of Hermas / by William Coleborne.Author: Coleborne, William.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n.], 1965. Subject: Linguistics. Subject: Structural linguistics. Location: Shelf 10, Item 15 |
338 | Title: Companion to the Sunday missal : notes on all the passages of Scripture in the masses for the three year cycle, the feasts of the Lord, solemnities and the national calendar / William Coleborne.Author: Coleborne, William.Publisher and date: Ulladulla, N.S.W. : William Coleborne, 1984. Subject: Missals. Location: |
339 | Title: A definite rule for the use of the article in the Greek New Testament / E. C. Colwell.Author: Colwell, E. C.Publisher and date: [Leipzig : Haag-Drugulin, 1933] Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 140 |
340 | Title: The life and epistles of St. Paul / by W. J. Conybeare and J. S. Howson.Author: Conybeare, William John, 1815-1857.Publisher and date: London : Longmans, Green and Co., 1880. Location: Shelf 04, Item 06 |
341 | Title: A dictionary of life in Bible times / Completed and illustrated by Édouard Urech ; Translated from the French by Arthur Heathcote ; Foreword by André Parrot.Author: Corswant, W. 1883-1954.Publisher and date: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1960. Location: Shelf 03, Item 29 |
342 | Title: Science and Christian belief / C. A. Coulson.Author: Coulson, C. A. 1910-1974.Publisher and date: London : Collins, 1958. Subject: Religion and science. Location: Shelf 07, Item 34 |
343 | Title: The Church and the Age of Reason, 1648-1789 / Gerald R. Cragg.Author: Cragg, Gerald R.Publisher and date: Harmondsworth [Eng.] : Penguin, 1960. Subject: Faith and reason Subject: Church history Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 07, Item 03 |
344 | Title: Mankind’s debt to the Old Testament.Author: Craig, Robert.Publisher and date: [Salisbury, Eng. : s.n., 1971] Subject: Christianity and other religions Location: Shelf 16, Item 171 |
345 | Title: Biblico-theological lexicon of New Testament Greek / by Hermann Cremer.Author: Cremer, Hermann, 1834-1903.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1954. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 15, Item 20 |
346 | Title: Griechische literarische Papyri aus Strassburg, Freiburg, und Berlin / herausgegeben von Wilhelm Crönert.Author: Crönert, Wilhelm.Publisher and date: Berlin : Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1922. Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Location: Shelf 06, Item 64 |
347 | Title: Cruden’s useful concordance of the Holy Scriptures : comprising most of the references which are really needed / by Alexander Cruden.Author: Cruden, Alexander, 1699-1770.Publisher and date: London : Epworth Press, [n.d.] Location: Shelf 12, Item 24 |
348 | Title: A treasury of New Testament synonyms / by Stewart Custer.Author: Custer, Stewart, 1931-Publisher and date: Greenville, S.C. : Bob Jones University Press, c1975. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 18, Item 08 |
349 | Title: The Dead Sea scrolls and primitive Christianity / Jean Daniélou ; translated from the French by Salvator Attanasio.Author: Daniélou, Jean.Publisher and date: New York : New American Library, 1962, c1958. Location: Shelf 12, Item 04 |
350 | Title: An introductory Hebrew grammar : with progressive exercises in reading, writing, and pointing / by A.B. Davidson ; rev. throughout by John Edgar McFadyen.Author: Davidson, A. B. 1831-1902.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1932. Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 03, Item 31 |
351 | Title: Hebrew syntax /Author: Davidson, A. B. 1831-1902.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1901. Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 03, Item 36 |
352 | Title: The analytical Hebrew and Chaldee lexicon : consisting of an alphabetical arrangement of every word and inflection contained in the Old Testament Scriptures, precisely as they occur in the sacred text, with a grammatical analysis of each word, and lexicographical illustration of the meanings : a complete series of Hebrew and Chaldee pardigms, with grammatical remarks and explanations / by B. Davidson.Author: Davidson, Benjamin, d. 1871.Publisher and date: London : Samuel Bagster and Sons, [1848] Subject: Hebrew language Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 11, Item 36 |
353 | Title: Pauline predestination / by Francis Davidson.Author: Davidson, Francis.Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1946. Subject: Predestination Location: Shelf 16, Item 51 |
354 | Title: Paul and rabbinic Judaism : some rabbinic elements in Pauline theology / by W.D. Davies.Author: Davies, W. D. 1911-2001.Publisher and date: London : S.P.C.K., 1955. Subject: Rabbinical literature Location: Shelf 17, Item 02 |
355 | Title: Rider papers on Euclid–books I. and II / graduated and arranged in order of difficulty ; with an introduction on teaching Euclid by Rupert Deakin.Author: Deakin, Rupert.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1891. Location: Shelf 07, Item 36 |
356 | Title: Nachklassisches Griechisch / von Albert Debrunner.Author: Debrunner, Albert, 1884-1958.Publisher and date: Berlin : W. de Gruyter & Co, 1933. Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Greek language, Medieval and late Location: Shelf 07, Item 21 |
357 | Title: bericht über die literatur zum nachklassischen griechisch aus den jahren 1907-1929. von Albert Debrunner.Author: Debrunner, Albert.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Subject: Greek literature. Location: Shelf 09, Item 23 |
358 | Title: Bericht über literatur zum nachklassischen griechisch aus den jahren 1909-1929. von Albert Debrunner.Author: Debrunner, Albert.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1933] Subject: Greek literature, Hellenistic. Location: Shelf 16, Item 133 |
359 | Title: Bible studies : contributions, chiefly from papyri and inscriptions, to the history of the language, the literature, and the religion of Hellenistic Judaism and primitive Christianity / by G. Adolf Deissmann ; with an illustration in the text ; authorised translation by Alexander Grieve.Author: Deissmann, Adolf, 1866-1937.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T&T Clark, 1901. Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Judaism Location: Shelf 08, Item 24 |
360 | Title: The Hebrew language viewed in the light of Assyrian research / by Frederic Delitzsch.Author: Delitzsch, Friedrich, 1850-1922.Publisher and date: London : Williams and Norgate, 1883. Subject: Hebrew language. Location: Shelf 06, Item 05 |
361 | Title: Dēmosthenous ho kata Meidiou Logos peri kondylou. The oration of Demosthenes against Meidias / edited for use in schools and colleges ; with introduction, analysis, notes and index, by C. A. M. Fennell.Author: Demosthenes.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : E. Johnson, 1892. Location: Shelf 07, Item 18 |
362 | Title: Introduction aux pseudépigraphes grecs d’Ancien Testament / par Albert-Marie Denis.Author: Denis, Albert-Marie.Publisher and date: Leiden : Brill, 1970. Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 18, Item 32 |
363 | Title: Greek prose style / by J.D. Denniston.Author: Denniston, J. D. 1887-1949.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1952. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 09, Item 35 |
364 | Title: Il “perfetto” nei vangeli : grammatica ed esegesi / Angelico Salvatore Di Marco.Author: Di Marco, Angelico.Publisher and date: Torino : Marietti, 1982, c1981. Location: Shelf 12, Item 29 |
365 | Title: Der Brief des Jakobus / von Martin Dibelius.Author: Dibelius, Martin, 1883-1947.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1921. Location: Shelf 16, Item 18 |
366 | Title: From tradition to Gospel / by Martin Dibelius ; translated from the revised second edition of Die Formgeschichte des Evangeliums in collaboration with the author by Bertram Lee Woolf.Author: Dibelius, Martin, 1883-1947.Publisher and date: London : Nicholson & Watson, 1934. Location: Shelf 17, Item 09 |
367 | Title: Die Thessalonicher-Briefe / völlig neu bearbeitet.Author: Dobschütz, Ernst von, 1870-1934.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1909. Location: Shelf 16, Item 20 |
368 | Title: Historical tradition in the fourth Gospel / by C.H. Dodd.Author: Dodd, C. H. 1884-1973.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1963. Location: Shelf 15, Item 31 |
369 | Title: The Bible and the Greeks / by C.H.Dodd.Author: Dodd, C. H. 1884-1973.Publisher and date: London : Hodder & Stoughton, [1935] Subject: Hebrew literature Subject: Greek literature, Hellenistic Location: Shelf 01, Item 18 |
370 | Title: Christian beginnings : a reply to Dr. Barne’s ‘The rise of Christianity’ / by C. H. Dodd.Author: Dodd, C.H. (Charles Harold) 1884-1973.Publisher and date: London : Epworth Press, [1947] Subject: Christianity Location: Shelf 04, Item 14 |
371 | Title: Greek word order / by K.J. Dover.Author: Dover, K. J. 1920-2010.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1960. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 15, Item 04 |
372 | Title: The Hebrew scrolls : from the neighbourhood of Jericho and the Dead Sea / by G.R. Driver.Author: Driver, Godfrey Rolles, 1892-1975.Publisher and date: London : Geoffrey Cumberlege ; 1951. Subject: Manuscripts, Hebrew. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 01, Item 17 |
373 | Title: The Judaean scrolls : the problem and a solution / G.R. Driver.Author: Driver, Godfrey Rolles, 1892-1975.Publisher and date: Oxford : Blackwell, 1965. Location: Shelf 01, Item 19 |
374 | Title: Notes on the Hebrew text and the topography of the books of Samuel : with an introduction on Hebrew palaeography and the ancient versions and facsimiles of inscriptions and maps / by S.R. Driver.Author: Driver, S. R. 1846-1914.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1913. Location: Shelf 01, Item 28 |
375 | Title: The life and times of Jesus the Messiah / by Alfred Edersheim.Author: Edersheim, Alfred.Publisher and date: London : Longmans, Green, 1887. Subject: Christian biography Palestine. Location: Shelf 08, Item 06 |
376 | Title: The genius of Protestantism : a book for the times / by R. M’Cheyne Edgar.Author: Edgar, R. McCheynePublisher and date: Edinburgh : Oliphant, Anderson & Ferrier, 1900. Subject: Protestantism Subject: Protestant churches Location: Shelf 03, Item 21 |
377 | Title: The Old Testament : an introduction, including the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha, and also the works of similar type from Qumran; the history of the formation of the Old Testament / Otto Eissfeldt ; translated by Peter R. Ackroyd.Author: Eissfeldt, Otto, 1887-1973.Publisher and date: Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1965. Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Location: Shelf 03, Item 28 |
378 | Title: Variae lectiones rotulorum manu scriptorum anno 1947 prope Mare Mortuum repertorum ad Jes. 1-66 et Hab. 1-2 pertinentes / preparavit O. Eissfeldt.Author: Eissfeldt, Otto, 1887-1973.Publisher and date: Stuttgart : Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt, [1955] Location: Shelf 06, Item 22 |
379 | Title: The pastorial epistles of st. Paul : with a critical and grammatical commentary, and a revised translation / by Charles J. Ellicott.Author: Ellicott, Charles JohnPublisher and date: London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1883. Location: Shelf 11, Item 15 |
380 | Title: Phrynichus’ influence on the textual tradition of the New Testament / by J. K. Elliott.Author: Elliott, J. K.Publisher and date: Berlin : Walter De Gruyter, [1972] Location: Shelf 16, Item 85 |
381 | Title: The United Bible Societies’ textual commentary evaluated / by J. K. Elliott.Author: Elliott, J. K.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Location: Shelf 16, Item 84 |
382 | Title: Ho baptizōn and Mark i.4 / J. K. Elliott.Author: Elliott, James Keith.Publisher and date: Basel : Friedrich Reinhardt, 1975. Subject: Baptism. Location: Shelf 16, Item 77 |
383 | Title: From Moses to Elisha : Israel to the end of the ninth century B.C. / by L. Elliott-Binns.Author: Elliott-Binns, Leonard Elliott, b. 1885.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1929. Location: Shelf 06, Item 15 |
384 | Title: Das Pr�asens Historicum in der nachklassischen griechischen Historiographie / von Karl Eriksson.Author: Eriksson, Karl.Publisher and date: Lund : H. Ohlssons boktryckeri, 1943. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek literature Location: Shelf 06, Item 51 |
385 | Title: Euripides : Alcestis / edited by J. H. Haydon.Author: Euripides.Publisher and date: London : University Tutorial Press, [n.d.] Subject: Alcestis (Greek mythology) Location: Shelf 07, Item 10 |
386 | Title: Euripides : Hippolytus / edited by John Thompson and B. J. Hayes.Author: Euripides.Publisher and date: London : [n.d.] W. B. Clive, Subject: Hippolytus (Greek mythology) Location: Shelf 07, Item 01 |
387 | Title: The Medea of Euripides / with notes, appendices, and vocabulary by M. A. Bayfield ; with illustrations.Author: Euripides.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1902. Subject: Medea (Greek mythology) Location: Shelf 04, Item 07 |
388 | Title: The ecclesiastical history / Eusebius ; with an English translation by Kirsopp Lake.Author: Eusebius, ca. 260-ca. 340.Publisher and date: London : Heinemann, 1926-1932. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 12, Item 11 |
389 | Title: The essential Eusebius / Selected and newly translated, with introd. and commentary, by Colm Luibheid.Author: Eusebius, ca. 260-ca. 340.Publisher and date: New York : New American Library, 1966. Subject: Church history |
390 | Title: The Bible / by C. F. Evans.Author: Evans, Christopher Francis.Publisher and date: London : S.P.C.K., 1955. Location: Shelf 09, Item 13 |
391 | Title: Maccabees, Zealots, and Josephus : an inquiry into Jewish nationalism in the Greco-Roman period / by William Reuben Farmer.Author: Farmer, William Reuben.Publisher and date: New York : Columbia University Press, 1956. Subject: Jews Subject: Judaism Subject: Maccabees. Location: Shelf 09, Item 28 |
392 | Title: The life of Christ / by Frederic W. Farrar ; with 16 illustrations.Author: Farrar, Frederic William, 1831-1903.Publisher and date: London : Cassell, 1898. Location: Shelf 03, Item 16 |
393 | Title: The early days of Christianity / by Frederic W. Farrar.Author: Farrar, Frederic William.Publisher and date: London : Cassell, 1884. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 04, Item 97. |
394 | Title: The life and work of st. Paul / by Frederic Farrar.Author: Farrar, Frederic William.Publisher and date: London : Cassell, 1896. Location: Shelf 12, Item 26 |
395 | Title: Notes on the translation of the New Testament : being the Otium Norvicense (pars tertia) / by Frederick Field.Author: Field, Frederick, 1801-1885.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1899. |
396 | Title: A commentary on the Gospel according to St. Matthew / Floyd V. Filson.Author: Filson, Floyd V. 1896-1980.Publisher and date: London : A. and C. Black, 1960. Location: Shelf 13, Item 02 |
397 | Title: A people of hope / by C. B. Firth.Author: Firth, C. B.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1951. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 03, Item 06 |
398 | Title: A people of hope : reference book.Author: Firth, C. B.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1951. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 03, Item 02 |
399 | Title: Christ in conduct / by C. B. Firth.Author: Firth, C. B.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1953. Subject: Conduct of life Location: Shelf 03, Item 08 |
400 | Title: Christ in conduct : reference book.Author: Firth, C. B.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1953. Subject: Conduct of life Location: Shelf 03, Item 03 |
401 | Title: The Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians : an introduction and commentary / by Francis Foulkes.Author: Foulkes, Francis.Publisher and date: London : The Tyndale Press, 1963. Location: Shelf 16, Item 28 |
402 | Title: God in us : a case for Christian humanism / Anthony Freeman.Author: Freeman, Anthony, 1946-Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1993. Subject: Christianity and religious humanism. Subject: Humanism. Location: Shelf 16, Item 32 |
403 | Title: The foundations of New Testament Christology / by Reginald Horace Fuller.Author: Fuller, Reginald H. 1915-2007.Publisher and date: London : Lutterworth Press, 1965. Location: Shelf 17, Item 10 |
404 | Title: Kyrillos Loukaris, 1572-1638 : a struggle for preponderance between Catholic and Protestant powers in the Orthodox East / by Germanos.Author: Germanos, 1872-Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1951. Location: Shelf 14, Item 02 |
405 | Title: Gesenius’ Hebrew grammar / as edited and enlarged by the late E. Kautzsche. With a facsimile of the Siloam inscription by J. Euting, and a table of alphabets by M. Lidzbarski.Author: Gesenius, Wilhelm, 1786-1842.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon press, 1910. Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 09, Item 17 |
406 | Title: The history of the decline & fall of the Roman Empire / by Edward Gibbon.Author: Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794.Publisher and date: London : Humphrey Milford ; 1903-1906. Location: Shelf 02, Item 01 |
407 | Title: L’Apocalypse et l’histoire : étude historique sur l’Apocalypse johannique / Stanislas Giet.Author: Giet, Stanislas.Publisher and date: Paris : Presses Universitaires de France, 1957. Location: Shelf 16, Item 05 |
408 | Title: An early revision of the Gospel of Mark / [Thomas Francis Glasson]Author: Glasson, Thomas Francis.Publisher and date: [s.l. : Society of Biblical Literature, 1966] Location: Shelf 16, Item 87 |
409 | Title: Recensions of the Septuagint Pentateuch / by D.W. Gooding.Author: Gooding, D. W.Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1955. Location: Shelf 06, Item 67 |
410 | Title: The account of the Tabernacle : translation and textual problems of the Greek Exodus / by D.W. Gooding.Author: Gooding, D. W.Publisher and date: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1959. Subject: Tabernacle. Location: Shelf 01, Item 27 |
411 | Title: Index patristicus, sive, Clavis patrum apostolicorum operum : ex editione minore Gebhardt, Harnack, Zahn, lectionibus editionum minorum Funk et Lightfoot admissis / composuit Edgar J. Goodspeed.Author: Goodspeed, Edgar J. 1871-1962.Publisher and date: Leipzig : J.C. Hinrichs, 1907. Subject: Apostolic Fathers. Subject: Christian literature, Early Location: Shelf 16, Item 04 |
412 | Title: Index apologeticus : sive, Clavis Iustini martyris operum aliorumque apologetarum pristinorum / composuit Edgar J. Goodspeed.Author: Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson.Publisher and date: Leipzig : J. C. Hinrichs, 1912. Subject: Christian literature, Early Subject: Apologetics Subject: Apologetics Location: Shelf 12, Item 34 |
413 | Title: Syntax of the moods and tenses of the Greek verb / by William Watson Goodwin.Author: Goodwin, William Watson, 1831-1912.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1889. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 09, Item 16 |
414 | Title: The epistles of St. John / by Charles Gore.Author: Gore, Charles, 1853-1932.Publisher and date: London : J. Murray, 1920. Location: Shelf 04, Item 17 |
415 | Title: The early Christians / Michael Gough.Author: Gough, Michael, 1916-1973.Publisher and date: London : Thames and Hudson, c1961. Subject: Christian art and symbolism Subject: Church history Subject: Church architecture Location: Shelf 12, Item 38 |
416 | Title: 2 Peter reconsidered / by E. M. B. Green.Author: Green, Michael, 1930-Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1961. Location: Shelf 16, Item 09 |
417 | Title: Papyri / B. P. Grenfell.Author: Grenfell, B.P.Publisher and date: [London? : s.n., 1917] Subject: Manuscripts (Papyri) Location: Shelf 01, Item 13 |
418 | Title: Fayûm towns and their papyri / by Bernard P. Grenfell, Arthur S. Hunt, and David G. Hogarth, with a chapter by Grafton Milne.Author: Grenfell, Bernard P. 1869-1926.Publisher and date: London : Egypt Exploration Fund, 1900. Subject: Manuscripts (Papyri) Egypt Location: Shelf 10, Item 19 |
419 | Title: The Amherst papyri : being an account of the Greek papyri in the collection of the Right Hon. Lord Amherst of Hackney, at Didlington Hall, Norfolk / by Bernard P. Grenfell and Arthur S. Hunt.Author: Grenfell, Bernard P. 1869-1926.Publisher and date: London : H. Frowde, 1900-1901. Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Location: Shelf 19, Item 01 |
420 | Title: The Coptic versions of the Minor prophets : a contribution to the study of the Septuagint / by Willem Grossouw.Author: Grossouw, Willem Karel Maria, 1906-1990.Publisher and date: Rome : Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1938. Location: Shelf 06, Item 17 |
421 | Title: The Fourth Gospel and Jewish worship : a study of the relation of St John’s Gospel to the ancient Jewish lectionary system / Aileen Guilding.Author: Guilding, AileenPublisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1960. Subject: Judaism Location: Shelf 18, Item 34 |
422 | Title: Hebraisms in the Greek Testament : exhibited and illustrated by notes and extracts from the sacred text : with specimens of (1) the influence of the Septuagint on its character and construction, (2) the deviations in it from pure Greek style / by William Henry Guillemard.Author: Guillemard, William Henry, 1815-1887.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Deighton, Bell ; 1879. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 09, Item 14 |
423 | Title: The Pastoral Epistles and the mind of Paul / by Donald Guthrie.Author: Guthrie, Donald, 1916-1992.Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1956. Location: Shelf 16, Item 131 |
424 | Title: The Acts of the Apostles / by H. A. Guy.Author: Guy, Harold A.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1952. Location: Shelf 13, Item 70 |
425 | Title: The life of Christ : notes on the narrative and teaching in the Gospels / By H. A. Guy.Author: Guy, Harold A.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1951. Location: Shelf 13, Item 59 |
426 | Title: Selections from early writers illustrative of church history to the time of Constantine / by Henry Melvill Gwatkin.Author: Gwatkin, Henry Melvill, 1844-1916.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1920. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 12, Item 01 |
427 | Title: Babylonian flood stories / edited by Percy Handcock.Author: Handcock, Percy S. P.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge; 1921. Subject: Assyro-Babylonian literature. Subject: Deluge. |
428 | Title: Babylonian penitential psalms / edited by Percy Handcock.Author: Handcock, Percy S. P.Publisher and date: London : Society for promoting Christian knowledge ; 1921. Subject: Assyro-Babylonian religion Location: Shelf 07, Item 24 |
429 | Title: Selections from the Tell el-Amarna letters / by Percy Handcock.Author: Handcock, Percy S. P.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1920. Location: Shelf 07, Item 23 |
430 | Title: Science and an experimental faith / Alister Hardy.Author: Hardy, Alister.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Religious Experience Research Unit, 1968. Subject: Faith. Subject: Evidence. Location: Shelf 11, Item 03 |
431 | Title: What is Christianity? : sixteen lectures delivered in the University of Berlin during the winter-term, 1899-1900 / by Adolf Harnack ; translated into English by Thomas Bailey Saunders.Author: Harnack, Adolf von, 1851-1930.Publisher and date: London : Williams and Norgate; 1923. Subject: Christianity Location: Shelf 12, Item 25 |
432 | Title: Harpocration et Moeris / ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri.Author: Harpocration, Valerius.Publisher and date: Berolini : Typis et impensis Ge. Reimeri, 1833. Subject: Orators Greece Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 02, Item 53 |
433 | Title: Side-lights on New Testament research : seven lectures delivered in 1908, at Regent’s Park college, London / by J. Rendel Harris.Author: Harris, J. Rendel 1852-1941.Publisher and date: London : The Kingsgate Press ; 1908. Location: Shelf 13, Item 48 |
434 | Title: Polycarp’s two epistles to the Philippians / by P. N. Harrison.Author: Harrison, P. N.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1936. Subject: Christian literature, Early. Location: Shelf 12, Item 27 |
435 | Title: The problem of the Pastoral Epistles / by P.N. Harrison.Author: Harrison, P. N.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1921. Location: Shelf 15, Item 18 |
436 | Title: Dictionary of the Bible / by James Hastings.Author: Hastings, James, 1852-1922.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1963. Location: Shelf 10, Item 21 |
437 | Title: A concordance to the Septuagint and the other Greek versions of the Old Testament (including the Apocryphal books) / by Edwin Hatch and Henry A. Redpath, assisted by other scholars.Author: Hatch, Edwin, 1835-1889.Publisher and date: Graz, Austria : Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt, 1954. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 15, Item 34 |
438 | Title: Essays in biblical Greek / by Edwin Hatch.Author: Hatch, Edwin, 1835-1889.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1889. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 01, Item 24 |
439 | Title: Horae synopticae : contributions to the study of the synoptic problem / John C. Hawkins.Author: Hawkins, John C. 1837-1929.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1899. Location: Shelf 12, Item 54 |
440 | Title: Christianity goes into action : lessons on great deeds in Christ’s name / by Ernest H. Hayes.Author: Hayes, Ernest H. b. 1881.Publisher and date: Wallington, Surrey : The Religious Education Press, 1948. Subject: Christian education of children Location: Shelf 03, Item 17 |
441 | Title: Die Kasussyntax der Verba bei den Septuaginta : ein Beitrag zur Hebraismenfrage und zur Syntax der κοινή / von Robert Helbing.Author: Helbing, Robert, b. 1869.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1928. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 06, Item 24 |
442 | Title: Alexios V Doukas Mourtzouphlos : his life, reign and death (?-1204) / B. Hendrickx and C. Matzukis.Author: Hendrickx, Benjamin.Publisher and date: Thessalonike : Etaireia Makedonikon Spoydon, 1979. Location: Shelf 04, Item 73 |
443 | Title: Greek words and Hebrew meanings : studies in the semantics of soteriological terms / by David Hill.Author: Hill, David.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1967. Subject: Greek language, Biblical |
444 | Title: The Apostolic tradition of Hippolytus / translated into English with introduction and notes by Burton Scott Easton.Author: Hippolytus, ca. 170-235 or 6.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1934. Subject: Church orders, Ancient. Location: Shelf 14, Item 01 |
445 | Title: Gospel origins : a study in the synoptic problem / by William West Holdsworth.Author: Holdsworth, W. W. 1859-1929.Publisher and date: London : Duckworth & Co., 1913. Subject: Synoptic problem. Location: Shelf 12, Item 52 |
446 | Title: Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity. Hooker ; edited by R.W. Church.Author: Hooker, Richard, 1553 or 4-1600.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1876. Subject: Church polity. Location: Shelf 07, Item 27 |
447 | Title: The Christian ecclesia : a course of lectures on the early history and early conceptions of the ecclesia and one sermon / by Fenton John Anthony Hort.Author: Hort, Fenton John Anthony, 1828-1892.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1914. Subject: Church. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 13, Item 72 |
448 | Title: The riddle of the New Testament / by Edwyn Hoskyns and Noel Davey.Author: Hoskyns, Edwyn Clement, 1884-1937.Publisher and date: London : Faber and Faber, 1958. Location: Shelf 15, Item 11 |
449 | Title: Untersuchungen über den Sprachcharakter des griechischen Leviticus / von Karl Huber.Author: Huber, Karl, 1890-Publisher and date: Giessen : Alfred Töpelmann, 1916. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 06, Item 69 |
450 | Title: The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles / by J. H. E. HullAuthor: Hull, John Howarth Eric.Publisher and date: London : Lutterworth Press, 1967. Subject: Holy Spirit Location: Shelf 16, Item 02 |
451 | Title: Syntaxe grecque / par Jean Humbert.Author: Humbert, Jean, 1901-1980.Publisher and date: Paris : C. Klincksieck, 1945. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 06, Item 41 |
452 | Title: From Abraham to Solomon : an introduction to the early history of the Hebrews / Agnes Humphreys.Author: Humphreys, Agnes.Publisher and date: London : SCM Press, 1954. Subject: Bible plays. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 13, Item 73 |
453 | Title: Portrait of Paul / by E. W. Hunt.Author: Hunt, Ernest William.Publisher and date: London : A. R. Mowbray, 1968. Location: Shelf 14, Item 15 |
454 | Title: Introducing the New Testament / A. M. Hunter.Author: Hunter, Archibald Macbride.Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1957. Location: Shelf 13, Item 65 |
455 | Title: The Epistle to the Romans : introduction and commentary / by A.M. Hunter.Author: Hunter, Archibald Macbride.Publisher and date: London : SCM Press, 1955. Location: Shelf 16, Item 27 |
456 | Title: The epistles of St. Ignatius / edited by T.W. Crafer.Author: Ignatius, d. ca. 110.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. Location: Shelf 02, Item 22 |
457 | Title: First steps to Greek prose composition / by Blomfield Jackson.Author: Jackson, Blomfield.Publisher and date: London, Macmillan, 1894, 1875. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 07, Item 37 |
458 | Title: Personalities of the Old Testament / by Fleming James ; with a foreword by Julius A. BewerAuthor: James, Fleming, 1877-1959.Publisher and date: London : SCM Press, 1963. Location: Shelf 03, Item 23 |
459 | Title: The language of Palestine and adjacent regions / by J. Courtenay James; with a foreword by Sir Ernest A. Wallis Budge.Author: James, John Courtenay, 1863-Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1920. Subject: Semitic languages Location: Shelf 01, Item 39 |
460 | Title: The lost Apocrypha of the Old Testament : their titles and fragments / collected, translated and discussed by Montague Rhodes James.Author: James, M. R. 1862-1936.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1920. Location: Shelf 07, Item 41 |
461 | Title: A dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic literature / compiled by Marcus Jastrow ; with an index of scriptural quotations.Author: Jastrow, Marcus, 1829-1903.Publisher and date: London : Luzac & Co. ; 1903 Subject: Aramaic language Subject: Hebrew language, Talmudic Location: Shelf 10, Item 03 |
462 | Title: The Eucharistic words of Jesus / Joachim Jeremias.Author: Jeremias, Joachim, 1900-1979.Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1966. Subject: Lord’s Supper Subject: Last Supper. Location: Shelf 17, Item 12 |
463 | Title: Unknown sayings of Jesus / by Joachim Jeremias.Author: Jeremias, Joachim, 1900-1979.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1964. Location: Shelf 13, Item 75 |
464 | Title: Πρεςβυτεριον außerchristlich bezeugt / von Joachim Jeremias.Author: Jeremias, Joachim.Publisher and date: Berlin : Alfred Töpelmann, [1957] Location: Shelf 16, Item 192 |
465 | Title: Der Gebrauch der Kasus und der Präpositionen in der Septuaginta / von Martin Johannessohn.Author: Johannessohn, Martin, 1885-Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n.], 1910 Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 06, Item 76 |
466 | Title: Der Gebrauch der Präpositionen in der Septuagint / von Martin Johannessohn.Author: Johannessohn, Martin, b. 1885.Publisher and date: Berlin : Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1925. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 06, Item 70 |
467 | Title: Das Biblische kai egeneto und seine geschichte / von Martin Johannessohn.Author: Johannessohn, Martin.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1926. Subject: Greek langauge, Biblical. Location: Shelf 16, Item 181 |
468 | Title: Theological study in the Russian and Bulgarian orthodox churches under Communist rule / [by] A. Johansen.Author: Johansen, A.Publisher and date: London : Faith Press, 1963. Subject: Theology Subject: Theology Soviet Union Subject: Theology Bulgaria Location: Shelf 11, Item 11 |
469 | Title: Flavii Iosephi opera / recognovit Benedictvs Niese.Author: Josephus, Flavius.Publisher and date: Berolini : apvd Weidmannos, 1888-1895. Subject: Jews Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 09, Item 06 |
470 | Title: The whole works of Flavius Josephus : containing: I. The antiquities of the Jews, from the creation of the world to the destruction of the temple by the Emperor Caius Caligula, in twenty books; II. The defence of the Jewish antiquities in answer to Apion, in two parts; III. The wars of the Jews with the Romans, in seven books; IV. The martyrdom of the Maccabees; V. Philo’s embassy from the Jews of Alexandria to the Emperor Caius Caligula; VI. The life of Flavius Josephus, written by himself / translated from the original Greek by Charles Clarke ; to which are added marginal references and historical, critical, and explanatory notes by Yorke of Oxford.Author: Josephus, Flavius.Publisher and date: Manchester : Russell and Allen, 1813. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 20, Item 19 |
471 | Title: The works of Flavius Josephus. Translated by William Whiston ; with nuerous illustrations.Author: Josephus, Flavius.Publisher and date: London : Chatto and Windus, 1875. Subject: Jews Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 09, Item 41 |
472 | Title: The Tilney papers : a noteworthy parochial collection of historical manuscripts and printed books / by H. A. Lloyd Jukes.Author: Jukes, H. A. Lloyd.Publisher and date: Norwich [Eng.] : F. Crowe, [1976] Subject: Manuscripts Location: Shelf 16, Item 142 |
473 | Title: Justin Martyr : the dialogue with Trypho / translation, introduction and notes by A. Lukyn Williams.Author: Justin,Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1930. Subject: Apologetics Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 12, Item 03 |
474 | Title: The Apologies of Justin Martyr / edited by A. W. F. Blunt.Author: Justin,Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1911. Subject: Apologetics Location: Shelf 12, Item 02 |
475 | Title: The Cairo Geniza / by Paul E. Kahle.Author: Kahle, Paul, 1875-1964.Publisher and date: Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1959. Subject: Masorah. Subject: Cairo Genizah Location: Shelf 01, Item 23 |
476 | Title: De memoria alterius libri Maccabaeorum / scripsit Vernerus KapplerAuthor: Kappler, Werner, 1903-Publisher and date: Gottingae : Officina academica Dieterichiana typis expressit, 1929. Location: Shelf 01, Item 11 |
477 | Title: Voruntersuchungen zu einer Grammatik der Papyri der nachchristlichen Zeit : Beiträge zur Herstellung und Deutung einzelner Texte / von Stylianos G. Kapsomenakis.Author: Kapsomēnakēs, Stylianos G.Publisher and date: München : Beck, 1938. Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Greek language, Medieval and late. Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Location: Shelf 09, Item 20 |
478 | Title: Ein Aquila-index in verbereitung / von Peter Katz und Joseph Ziegler.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Leiden : International Organization of Old Testament Scholars, [1958?] Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 06, Item 21 |
479 | Title: En piri floyós / von Peter Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Berlin : Alfred Töpelmann, [1955] Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 82 |
480 | Title: Frühe hebraisierende Rezensionen der Septuaginta und die Hexapla : bemerkungen zu der arbeit von Dr. G. Zuntz (ZAW 1956, 124–184) / von P. Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Berlin : Alfred Töpelmann, [1957] Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 06, Item 75 |
481 | Title: Justin’s Old Testament quotations and the Greek Dodekapropheton Scroll / P. Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Berlin : Akademie-Verlag, [1957] Subject: Christian literature, Early Subject: Theology Location: Shelf 06, Item 52 |
482 | Title: Philo. supplement I : questions and answers in Genesis ; supplement II : questions and answers in Exodus : translated from the ancient Armenian version of the original Greek by Ralph Marcus / [by Peter Katz]Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Munchen : C. H. Beck, 1954. Subject: Theology Location: Shelf 11, Item 05 |
483 | Title: Philo’s Bible : the aberrant text of Bible quotations in some Philonic writings and its place in the textual history of the Greek Bible / by Peter Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1950. Location: Shelf 06, Item 28 |
484 | Title: Septuagintal studies in the mid-century : their links with the past and their present tendencies / P. Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: [Cambridge, Eng. : Cambridge University Press, 1954] Location: Shelf 06, Item 35 |
485 | Title: The Old Testament canon in Palestine and Alexandria / by Peter Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Berlin : Alfred Topelmann, [1956] Location: Shelf 06, Item 37 |
486 | Title: The recovery of the original Septuagint : a study in the history of transmission and textual criticism / communication du Peter Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Paris : A. Taffin-Lefort a Lille, 19uu. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 06, Item 34 |
487 | Title: Two kindred corruptions in the Septuagint / by Peter Katz.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: Leiden : International Organization of Old Testament Scholars, [1951] Location: Shelf 06, Item 54 |
488 | Title: Zur textgestaltung der Ezechiel-septuaginta.Author: Katz, Peter.Publisher and date: [Rome : Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1954] Location: Shelf 06, Item 62 |
489 | Title: The Bible and modern scholarship / by Frederic G. Kenyon.Author: Kenyon, Frederic G. 1863-1952.Publisher and date: London : Murray, 1948. Location: Shelf 04, Item 20 |
490 | Title: Our Bible and the ancient manuscripts / by Sir Frederic Kenyon.Author: Kenyon, Frederic G. 1863-1952.Publisher and date: London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1939. Location: Shelf 09, Item 26 |
491 | Title: Archaeology in the Holy Land / by Kathleen M. Kenyon.Author: Kenyon, Kathleen Mary.Publisher and date: London : E. Benn, 1965. Location: Shelf 08, Item 22 |
492 | Title: The text of the Greek Bible : a student’s handbook / by Frederic G. Kenyon.Author: Kenyon, Sir Frederic George, 1863-1952.Publisher and date: London : Duckworth, 1949. Location: Shelf 07, Item 11 |
493 | Title: Historische griechische Grammatik / von E. Kieckers.Author: Kieckers, E. 1882-1938.Publisher and date: Berlin : W. de Gruyter, 1925-1926. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 07, Item 19 |
494 | Title: Codex Bezae and Mill / [G. D. Kilpatrick]Author: Kilpatrick, G. D.Publisher and date: Oxford : Claredon Press, [1955] Location: Shelf 04, Item 76 |
495 | Title: Mark XIII. 9-10 / [G. D. Kilpatrick]Author: Kilpatrick, G. D.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, [1958] Location: Shelf 13, Item 43 |
496 | Title: Galatians 1:18 : [historēsai kēphan] / by G. D. Kilpatrick.Author: Kilpatrick, George Dunbar.Publisher and date: Manchester : Manchester University Press, 1959. Location: Shelf 16, Item 180 |
497 | Title: Professor J. Schmid on the Greek text of the apocalypse / by G. D. Kilpatrick.Author: Kilpatrick, George Dunbar.Publisher and date: Amsterdam : North-Holland Publishing Co., 1959. Location: Shelf 11, Item 04 |
498 | Title: The origins of the Gospel according to St. Matthew / G. D. Kilpatrick.Author: Kilpatrick, George Dunbar.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1950. Location: Shelf 15, Item 16 |
499 | Title: The transmission of the New Testament and its reliability / by G.D. Kilpatrick.Author: Kilpatrick, George Dunbar.Publisher and date: Croydon [Eng.] : The Victoria Institute, [1957] Location: Shelf 15, Item 06 |
500 | Title: The trial of Jesus / by G. D. Kilpatrick.Author: Kilpatrick, George Dunbar.Publisher and date: Oxford University Press : London, 1953. Location: Shelf 16, Item 191 |
501 | Title: Theologisches Wörterbuch zum Neuen Testament / in Verbindung mit Otto Bauernfeind, … [et al.] ; herausgegeben von Gerhard Kittel.Author: Kittel, Gerhard, 1888-1948.Publisher and date: Stuttgart : W. Kohlhammer, [1932-] Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 19, Item 02 |
502 | Title: On English translation / by R. A. Knox.Author: Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, 1888-1957.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1957. Subject: Translating and interpreting. Subject: English literature Location: Shelf 01, Item 07 |
503 | Title: On Englishing the Bible / Ronald A. Knox.Author: Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, 1888-1957.Publisher and date: London : Burns & Oates, 1949. Location: Shelf 09, Item 12 |
504 | Title: Beobachtungen am hebräischen und griechischen Text von Jeremia Kap. 1-9 / vorgelegt von Ludwig Köhler.Author: Köhler, Ludwig, 1880-1956.Publisher and date: Leipzig : W. Drugulin, 1908. |
505 | Title: Ausführliche grammatik der griechischen sprache / von dr. Raphael Kühner.Author: Kühner, Raphael, 1802-1878.Publisher and date: Hannover : Hahnsche buchhandlung, 1890-1904. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 08, Item 08 |
506 | Title: The antithesis between symbolism and Revelation : lecture delivered before the Historical Presbyterian Society in Philadelphia, Pa. / by Abraham Kuyper.Author: Kuyper, Abraham, 1837-1920.Publisher and date: Amsterdam : Höveker & Wormser, [1898?] Subject: Ritualism Subject: Symbolism Subject: Revelation. Location: Shelf 16, Item 48 |
507 | Title: Where Jesus walked / by Howard La Fay ; photographs by Charles Harbutt ; eyewitness to war in the Holy Land article and photographs by Charles Harbutt ; lands of the Bible today : new wall map presents the pivotal Middle East, with a wealth of historical notes.Author: La Fay, Howard.Publisher and date: Washington, D.C. : National Geographic Society, 1967. Location: Shelf 16, Item 37 |
508 | Title: Évangile selon saint Matthieu / par M. J. Lagrange.Author: Lagrange, Marie-Joseph, 1855-1938.Publisher and date: Paris : J. Gabalda, 1948. Location: Shelf 18, Item 28 |
509 | Title: The text of the New Testament / by K. Lake.Author: Lake, Kirsopp.Publisher and date: London : Rivingtons, 1908. Location: Shelf 13, Item 79 |
510 | Title: New Testament origin / by George M. Lamsa.Author: Lamsa, George M. 1893-1975.Publisher and date: Chicago : Ziff-Davis, c1947. Subject: Christianity Location: Shelf 08, Item 26 |
511 | Title: Poets, wise men, and seers / by L. C. Latham.Author: Latham, L. C.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1949. Location: Shelf 03, Item 07 |
512 | Title: Christianity through the ages / by Kenneth Scott Latourette.Author: Latourette, Kenneth Scott, 1884-1968.Publisher and date: New York : Harper & Row, 1965. Subject: Church history. Location: Shelf 12, Item 28 |
513 | Title: Texts illustrating ancient ruler-worship / edited by C. Lattey ; English translation, with explanations.Author: Lattey, C. 1877-1954.Publisher and date: London : Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1924. Subject: Kings and rulers. Location: Shelf 09, Item 38 |
514 | Title: To see the Lord : a study in fulfilment / by a Religious of C. S. M. V.Author: Lawson, Penelope, 1890-1977.Publisher and date: London : The Church Union, 1958. Subject: Lent Subject: Fasts and feasts Location: Shelf 07, Item 31 |
515 | Title: A commentary on the Gospel according to St Luke / A.R.C. Leaney.Author: Leaney, A. R. C.Publisher and date: London : A. and C. Black, c1958. Location: Shelf 13, Item 50 |
516 | Title: Israel among the nations : a study of the Jews and antisemitism / by Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu ; translated by Frances Hellman.Author: Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole, 1842-1912.Publisher and date: New York : G. P. Putnam’s sons ; 1895. Subject: Jews. Subject: Antisemitism. Location: Shelf 06, Item 07 |
517 | Title: The Acts of the Apostles and the Letters of St. Paul / by E. Ridley Lewis ; foreword by F. H. Hilliard.Author: Lewis, E. RidleyPublisher and date: London : J. Clarke, c1960. Location: Shelf 15, Item 10 |
518 | Title: The second epistle of Paul the apostle to the Corinthians : with notes and introduction / by J.J. Lias.Author: Lias, J. J. 1834-1923.Publisher and date: Cambridge, [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1892. Location: Shelf 12, Item 35 |
519 | Title: A Greek-English lexicon / compiled by Henry George Liddell and Robert Scott.Author: Liddell, Henry George, 1811-1898.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1940. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 10, Item 06 |
520 | Title: Essays on the work entitled Supernatural religion / by J. B. Lightfoot.Author: Lightfoot, Joseph Barber, 1828-1889.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1889. Subject: Fathers of the church Subject: Miracles. Subject: Apologetics. Location: Shelf 13, Item 86 |
521 | Title: St. John’s Gospel : a commentary / by R.H. Lightfoot ; edited by C.F. Evans.Author: Lightfoot, R. H. 1883-1953.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1960. Location: Shelf 14, Item 12 |
522 | Title: The Gospel message of St. Mark / by R.H. Lightfoot.Author: Lightfoot, R. H. 1883-1953.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1950. Location: Shelf 13, Item 07 |
523 | Title: Prophecy in ancient Israel / by J. Lindblom.Author: Lindblom, Johannes, b. 1882.Publisher and date: Oxford : Basil Blackwell, 1963. Subject: Prophets. Location: Shelf 08, Item 02 |
524 | Title: Syntaktische und lexikalische studien zur Historia Lausiaca des Palladios / von Sture Linnér.Author: Linnér, Sture, 1917-2010.Publisher and date: Uppsala : A.-b. Lundequistska bokhandeln ; [1943] Location: Shelf 16, Item 174 |
525 | Title: Beiträge zur Syntax der spätgriechischen Volkssprache / von Herman Ljungvik.Author: Ljungvik, Herman, 1896-Publisher and date: Uppsala : Almqvist & Wiksell ; 1932. Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 06, Item 50 |
526 | Title: Studien zur Sprache der apokryphen Apostelgeschichten / von Herman Ljungvik.Author: Ljungvik, Herman, 1896-Publisher and date: Uppsala : A.-b. Lundequistska bokhandeln, 1926. Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Subject: Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles Location: Shelf 16, Item 188 |
527 | Title: Jüdisches und Heidnisches im Christlichen kult : eine Vorlesung / von Gerhard Loeschcke.Author: Loeschcke, Gerhard, 1880-1912.Publisher and date: Bonn : A. Marcus und E. Weber’s Verlag, 1910. Subject: Christianity Location: Shelf 04, Item 90 |
528 | Title: Das Evangelium des Markus / übersetzt und erklärt von Ernst Lohmeyer.Author: Lohmeyer, Ernst, 1890-1946.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1937. Location: Shelf 16, Item 21 |
529 | Title: Notes marginales de Cyrille Lucar dans un exemplaire du grand catéchisme de Bellarmin / Keetje Rozemond.Author: Lucaris, Cyril, 1572-1638.Publisher and date: La Haye : M. Nijhoff, 1963. Location: Shelf 16, Item 179 |
530 | Title: Luciani quae extant et quae feruntur / Ad optimorum librorum lectiones emendata edidit Car. Herm. Weise.Author: Lucian,Publisher and date: Lipsiae : Sumtibus Ottonis Holtze, 1870-1892. Location: Shelf 02, Item 08 |
531 | Title: Lucian : Charon and Timon / edited by T.R. Mills.Author: LucianusPublisher and date: London : University Tutorial Press, [1900] Subject: Satire, Greek. Location: Shelf 04, Item 13 |
532 | Title: Hexaplarische Randnoten zu Isaias 1-16 : aus einer Sinai-handschrift / hrsg. von Leonhard Lütkemann und Alfred Rahlfs.Author: Lütkemann, Leonard, b. 1887.Publisher and date: Berlin : Weidmann, 1915. Location: Shelf 06, Item 74 |
533 | Title: De Prophetarum Minorum Locis ab Origene Laudatis / scripsit Leonardus Lütkemann.Author: Lütkemann, Leonhard.Publisher and date: Lipsiae : R. Noske, 1911. Subject: Greek literature Location: Shelf 06, Item 63 |
534 | Title: Syntax of the Greek language, especially of the Attic dialect, for the use of schools / by Dr. J. N. Madvig ; translated from the German by the Rev. Henry Browne ; and edited by the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold ; together with an appendix on the Greek particles, by the translator.Author: Madvig, J. N. 1804-1886.Publisher and date: London : Rivingtons, 1873. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 07, Item 17 |
535 | Title: The Cairo Geniza / by T.W. MansonAuthor: Manson, T.W.Publisher and date: Great Britain : [s.n., 1949] Subject: Masorah. Subject: Cairo Geniza Location: Shelf 01, Item 22 |
536 | Title: On Paul and John : some selected theological themes / T.W. Manson ; edited by Matthew Black.Author: Manson, Thomas Walter, 1893-1958.Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1963. Location: Shelf 14, Item 38 |
537 | Title: The communings with himself of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, emperor of Rome : together with his speeches and sayings / a revised text and a translation into English by C.R. Haines.Author: Marcus Aurelius, 121-180.Publisher and date: London : Heinemann ; 1916. Subject: Philosophy, Ancient. Location: Shelf 12, Item 10 |
538 | Title: The thoughts of the Emperor M. Aurelius Antoninus / translated by George Long.Author: Marcus Aurelius, 121-180.Publisher and date: London : G. Bell & sons, 1887. Subject: Ethics Subject: Stoics. Location: Shelf 12, Item 09 |
539 | Title: An introduction to the Bible Socities’ Greek New Testament / Robert P. Markham and Eugene A. Nida.Author: Markham, Robert P.Publisher and date: New York : American Bible Society, 1966. Location: Shelf 04, Item 92 |
540 | Title: Carmen Christi : Philippians ii. 5-11 in recent interpretation and in the setting of early Christian worship / by R.P. Martin.Author: Martin, Ralph P.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1967. Location: Shelf 14, Item 09 |
541 | Title: The papacy / by A. L. Maycock.Author: Maycock, A. L. 1898-1968.Publisher and date: London : E. Benn, 1927. Subject: Papacy Location: Shelf 11, Item 06 |
542 | Title: Grammatik der griechischen Papyri aus der Ptolemäerzeit : mit Einschluss der gleichzeitigen Ostraka und der in Ägypten verfassten Inschriften / von Edwin Mayser.Author: Mayser, Edwin, 1859-1937.Publisher and date: Berlin ; De Gruyter, 1906-1934. Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Ostraka. Location: Shelf 03, Item 26 |
543 | Title: Key to the exercises in A.B. Davidson’s revised Introductory Hebrew Grammar : with explanatory notes / by John Edgar McFadyen.Author: McFadyen, John Edgar, 1870-1933.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1929. Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 03, Item 34 |
544 | Title: The inscription on the stele of Mésǎʿ commonly called the Moabite stone : the text in Moabite and Hebrew / with translation by H.F.B. Compston.Author: Mesha.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919. Subject: Moabite stone. Subject: Stele (Archaeology) Location: Shelf 07, Item 22 |
545 | Title: Implements of interpretation. by Bruce M. Metzger.Author: Metzger, Bruce M.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1947] Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 144 |
546 | Title: Critical and exegetical handbook to the Acts of the Apostles / by Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer ; translated from the fourth edition of the German by Rev. Paton J. Gloag ; translation revised and edited by William P. Dickson.Author: Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm, 1800-1873.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, [1877] Location: Shelf 13, Item 80 |
547 | Title: Critical and exegetical handbook to the Epistle to the Romans / by Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer ; translated from the fifth edition of the German by John C. Moore and Edwin Johnson.Author: Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm, 1800-1873.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1879. Location: Shelf 13, Item 81 |
548 | Title: Critical and exegetical handbook to the Epistle to the Romans / by Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer, translated from the fifth edition of the German by Rev. John C. Moore and Rev. Edwin Johnson ; the translation rev. and ed. by William P. Dickson.Author: Meyer, Heinrich August Wilhelm, 1800-1873.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, [1881] Location: Shelf 13, Item 82 |
549 | Title: Die datierung des philipperbriefes / D. Wilhelm Michaelis.Author: Michaelis, Wilhelm.Publisher and date: Gutersloh : C. Bertelsmann, 1933. Location: Shelf 12, Item 39 |
550 | Title: Der Brief an die Hebräer / Übersetzt und erklärt, von Otto Michel.Author: Michel, Otto, 1903-Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1949. Location: Shelf 18, Item 04 |
551 | Title: The New Testament and its transmission / by George Milligan ; with a frontispiece and six facsimiles.Author: Milligan, George, 1860-1934.Publisher and date: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1932. Location: Shelf 13, Item 57 |
552 | Title: The book of Revelation / William Milligan.Author: Milligan, William, 1733-1823.Publisher and date: London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1909. Location: Shelf 07, Item 59 |
553 | Title: The Epistle to the Ephesians : its authorship, origin, and purpose / by C. Leslie Mitton.Author: Mitton, C. Leslie.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1951. Location: Shelf 14, Item 14 |
554 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the epistle to the Hebrews / by James Moffatt.Author: Moffatt, James, 1870-1944.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1924. Location: Shelf 14, Item 27 |
555 | Title: An introduction to the literature of the New Testament / by James Moffatt.Author: Moffatt, James, 1870-1944.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1918. Location: Shelf 17, Item 01 |
556 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the book of Daniel / by James A. Montgomery.Author: Montgomery, James A. 1866-1949.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1927. Location: Shelf 01, Item 34 |
557 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the books of Kings / by James A. Montgomery ; edited by Henry Snyder Gehman.Author: Montgomery, James A. 1866-1949.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1951. Location: Shelf 01, Item 33 |
558 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on Judges / by George F. Moore.Author: Moore, George Foot, 1851-1931.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 189[5]. Location: Shelf 01, Item 32 |
559 | Title: Studies in the Greek negatives / by A.C. Moorhouse.Author: Moorhouse, A. C.Publisher and date: Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 1959. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 09, Item 34 |
560 | Title: An idiom book of New Testament Greek / C.D.F. Moule.Author: Moule, C. F. D. 1908-2007.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1953. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 17, Item 07 |
561 | Title: A grammar of New Testament Greek / by James Hope Moulton.Author: Moulton, James Hope, 1863-1917.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1906-1919. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 04, Item 83 |
562 | Title: A grammar of New Testament Greek. by James Hope Moulton and Wilbert Francis Howard.Author: Moulton, James Hope, 1863-1917.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1919-1929. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 04, Item 84 |
563 | Title: A grammar of New Testament Greek. by James Hope Moulton ; Vol. 3 by N. Turner.Author: Moulton, James Hope, 1863-1917.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1963. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 04, Item 85 |
564 | Title: A grammar of New Testament Greek. by James Hope Moulton ; vol. 4 by Nigel Turner.Author: Moulton, James Hope, 1863-1917.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1976. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 04, Item 86 |
565 | Title: Einleitung in die sprache des Neuen Testaments / von J. H. Moulton.Author: Moulton, James Hope, 1863-1917.Publisher and date: Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1911. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 13, Item 52 |
566 | Title: The vocabulary of the Greek Testament : illustrated from the papyri and other non-literary sources / by James Hope Moulton and George Milligan.Author: Moulton, James Hope, 1863-1917.Publisher and date: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1930. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 10, Item 09 |
567 | Title: A concordance to the Greek Testament : according to the texts of Westcott and Hort, Tischendorf and the English revisers / edited by W.F. Moulton and A.S. Geden.Author: Moulton, W. F. 1835-1898.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1926. Location: Shelf 15, Item 25 |
568 | Title: The Psalter of the church : the Septuagint Psalms compared with the Hebrew, with various notes / by F.W. Mozley.Author: Mozley, Francis Woodgate.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1905. Location: Shelf 07, Item 48 |
569 | Title: A Coptic reading book (with glossary) for the use of beginners / by M. A. Murray and Dorothy Pilcher.Author: Murray, Margaret Alice.Publisher and date: London : B. Quaritich, 1933. Subject: Coptic language Location: Shelf 18, Item 18 |
570 | Title: Elementary Coptic (Sahidic) grammar / by Margaret Alice Murray.Author: Murray, Margaret Alice.Publisher and date: London : B. Quaritch, 1927. Subject: Coptic language Location: Shelf 13, Item 71 |
571 | Title: Der Wortschatz des Apostels Paulus : beitrag zur sprachgeschichtlichen erforschung des Neuen Testaments / von Theodor Nägeli.Author: Nägeli, Theodor.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1905. Location: Shelf 16, Item 143 |
572 | Title: Every man’s story of the Old Testament / by Alexander Nairne ; with sixty-two illustrations and five maps.Author: Nairne, Alexander, 1863-1936.Publisher and date: London : A. R. Mowbray, 1923, Location: Shelf 07, Item 42 |
573 | Title: The plain man looks at the Bible / William Neil.Author: Neil, William, 1909-1979.Publisher and date: [London] : Fontana Books, 1956. Location: Shelf 07, Item 33 |
574 | Title: The Bible student’s companion : or the Bible explainer / compiled by William Nicholson.Author: Nicholson, William.Publisher and date: London : Pickering & Inglis, [n.d.] Location: Shelf 06, Item 09 |
575 | Title: The Exodus in the New Testament / by R. E. Nixon.Author: Nixon, Robin Ernest.Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1963. Location: Shelf 01, Item 05 |
576 | Title: The history of Israel / by Martin Noth.Author: Noth, Martin, 1902-1968.Publisher and date: London : Black, 1960. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 06, Item 19 |
577 | Title: Christian inscriptions / by H. P.V. Nunn.Author: Nunn, H. P. V.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1920. Subject: Epitaphs. Subject: Christian inscriptions. Location: Shelf 02, Item 20 |
578 | Title: The elements of New Testament Greek : a method of studying the Greek New Testament with exercises / by H.P.V. Nunn.Author: Nunn, H. P. V.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1939. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 15, Item 13 |
579 | Title: The books of the Apocrypha : their origin, teaching and contents / by the Rev. W. O. E. Oesterley.Author: Oesterley, W. O. E. 1866-1950Publisher and date: London : Scott, 1914. Location: Shelf 01, Item 20 |
580 | Title: An introduction to the books of the Old Testament / by W.O.E. Oesterley and Theodore H. Robinson.Author: Oesterley, W. O. E. 1866-1950.Publisher and date: London : Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge ; 1934. Location: Shelf 01, Item 41 |
581 | Title: Hebrew religion : its origin and development / by W.O.E. Oesterley and Theodore H. Robinson.Author: Oesterley, W. O. E. 1866-1950.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1930. Subject: Judaism. Location: Shelf 01, Item 29 |
582 | Title: An introduction to existentialism : by Robert G. Olson.Author: Olson, Robert Goodwin, 1924-Publisher and date: New York : Dover Publications, 1962. Subject: Existentialism. Location: Shelf 12, Item 42 |
583 | Title: A handbook to the Septuagint / by Richard R. Ottley.Author: Ottley, Richard Rusden, 1864-Publisher and date: London : Methuen, 1920. Location: Shelf 07, Item 13 |
584 | Title: A grammar of the post-Ptolemaic papyri / by Leonard Robert Palmer.Author: Palmer, Leonard Robert, 1906-Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press ; 1946- Subject: Greek language Subject: Manuscripts, Greek (Papyri) Location: Shelf 09, Item 19 |
585 | Title: Cortina’s modern Greek in 20 lessons : illustrated, intended for self-study and for use in schools / by George C. Pappageotes and Philip D. Emmanuel ; [ill. by Tarté].Author: Pappageotes, George Christos.Publisher and date: New York : R. D. Cortina Co. ; 1962, c1959. Subject: Greek language, Modern Location: Shelf 05, Item 80 |
586 | Title: A commentary on the Bible / edited by Arthur S. Peake ; with supplement by A. J. Grieve.Author: Peake, Arthur S. 1865-1929.Publisher and date: London : Nelson, 1937 Location: Shelf 01, Item 44 |
587 | Title: A critical introduction to the New Testament / by Arthur S. Peake.Author: Peake, Arthur S. 1865-1929.Publisher and date: London : Duckworth, 1909. |
588 | Title: Etudes sur la langua des évangiles / par Hubert Pernot.Author: Pernot, Hubert Octave, 1870-1946.Publisher and date: Paris : Les Belles Lettres, 1927. Location: Shelf 04, Item 94 |
589 | Title: Zeittafeln der griechischen geschichte zum handgebrauch und als grundlage des vortrags in höheren gymnasiaklkassen mit fortaufenden belegen und auszügen aus den quellen ; zeittafeln der römischen geschichte zum handgebrauch und als grundlage des vortrags in höheren gymnasialklassen mit fortlaufenden belegen und auszügen aus den quellen / von Carl Peter.Author: Peter, Carl, 1808-1893.Publisher and date: Halle : Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1875, 1877. Subject: Chronology, Greek Location: Shelf 10, Item 05 |
590 | Title: Religion in the Old Testament : the history of a spiritual triumph / by Robert H. Pfeiffer, edited by Charles Conrad Forman.Author: Pfeiffer, Robert H. 1892-1958.Publisher and date: London : Adam & Charles Black, 1961. Location: Shelf 03, Item 33 |
591 | Title: The life of Apollonius of Tyana / Philostratus. The Epistles of Apollonius ; and, The Treatise of Eusebius ; with an English translation by F.C. Conybeare.Author: Philostratus, 2nd/3rd cent.Publisher and date: London : W. Heinemann ; 1912. Location: Shelf 07, Item 44 |
592 | Title: Plato : Laches / edited by F.G. Plaistowe and T.R. Mills.Author: Plato.Publisher and date: London : W. B. Clive, [1898] Subject: Dialogues, Greek. Location: Shelf 12, Item 08 |
593 | Title: Platonis opera / recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instrvxit Ioannes Burnet.Author: Plato.Publisher and date: Oxonii : e typographeo Clarendoniano, [n.d.] Subject: Philosophy, Ancient Location: Shelf 07, Item 08 |
594 | Title: A commentary on St. Paul’s first epistle to the Thessalonians / by Alfred Plummer.Author: Plummer, Alfred, 1841-1926.Publisher and date: London : R. Scott, 1918. Location: Shelf 14, Item 25 |
595 | Title: A commentary on St. Paul’s Second epistle to the Thessalonians / by Alfred Plummer.Author: Plummer, Alfred, 1841-1926.Publisher and date: London : R. Scott, 1918. Location: Shelf 14, Item 26 |
596 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the Second Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians / By Alfred Plummer.Author: Plummer, Alfred, 1841-1926.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1915. Location: Shelf 14, Item 21 |
597 | Title: The Revelation of Saint John the Divine / Ronald H. Preston and Anthony T. Hanson.Author: Preston, Ronald H., 1913-Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1949. Location: Shelf 13, Item 78 |
598 | Title: Essai sur le Grec de la Septante / par Jean Psichari.Author: Psicharis, Loannis, 1854-1929.Publisher and date: Paris : Klincksieck, 1908. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 03, Item 27 |
599 | Title: Neutestamentliche Grammatik : das Griechisch des Neuen Testaments im Zusammenhang mit der Volkssprache / Dargestellt von Ludwig Radermacher.Author: Radermacher, Ludwig, 1867-1952.Publisher and date: Tübingen : J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), 1925. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 18, Item 12 |
600 | Title: Paul de Lagardes wissenschaftliches Lebenswerk im Rahmen einer Geschichte seines Lebens dargestellt / von Alfred Rahlfs.Author: Rahlfs, Alfred, 1865-1935.Publisher and date: [Berlin : Weidmannsche Buchhandlung], 1928. Location: Shelf 06, Item 36 |
601 | Title: Septuaginta-studien / herausgegeben von Alfred Rahlfs.Author: Rahlfs, Alfred, 1865-1935.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1904-11. Location: Shelf 08, Item 29 |
602 | Title: Studie über den griechischen Text des Buches Ruth / von Alfred Rahlfs.Author: Rahlfs, Alfred, 1865-1935.Publisher and date: [Berlin] : [Weidmannsche Buchhandlung], [1922] Location: Shelf 06, Item 71 |
603 | Title: The church in the Roman empire before A.D. 170 / by W.M. Ramsay.Author: Ramsay, William Mitchell, 1851-1939.Publisher and date: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1897. Subject: Church history Subject: Church and state Rome Location: Shelf 11, Item 20 |
604 | Title: The growth & structure of the Gospels / by B. K. Rattey ; with a foreword by A. W. F. Blunt.Author: Rattey, B. K.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1935. Location: Shelf 04, Item 89 |
605 | Title: Contribution a l’étude des prépositions dans la langue du Nouveau Testament / Paul F. Regard ; avec une préface de A. Meillet.Author: Regard, Paul F.Publisher and date: Paris : Éditions Ernest Leroux, 1919. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 15, Item 29 |
606 | Title: La phrase nominale dans la langue du Nouveau Testament / Paul F. Regard.Author: Regard, Paul F.Publisher and date: Paris : Éditions Ernest Leroux, 1919. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 18, Item 20 |
607 | Title: Prolegomena to a Greek-Hebrew & Hebrew-Greek index to Aquila / by Joseph Reider.Author: Reider, Joseph, 1884-Publisher and date: Philadelphia : [s.l.], 1916. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 06, Item 29 |
608 | Title: Der Optativ bei Polybius und Philo Alexandria / von Karl Reik.Author: Reik, Karl.Publisher and date: Leipzig : Gustav Fock, 1907. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 08, Item 39 |
609 | Title: De Heronis Alexandrini dictione quaestiones selectae / scripsit Ludovicus Reinhardt.Author: Reinhardt, Ludwig, 1907-Publisher and date: Bornensis : R. Noske, 1930. Location: Shelf 08, Item 31 |
610 | Title: De graecitate Patrum Apostolicorum librorumque apocryphorum Novi Testamenti quaestiones grammaticae / Henricus Reinhold.Author: Reinhold, Henricus, b. 1873.Publisher and date: Halis Saxonum : Max Niemeyer, 1898. Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Subject: Fathers of the church Subject: Apocryphal books (New Testament) Location: Shelf 09, Item 24 |
611 | Title: Zwei angeblich christliche liturgische gebete / von R. Reitzenstein und P. Wendland.Author: Reitzenstein, R.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1910] Subject: Liturgics. Location: Shelf 14, Item 05 |
612 | Title: A study in Christology : the problem of the relation of the two natures in the person of Christ / by H. Maurice Relton ; with preface by Arthur C. Headlam.Author: Relton, H. Maurice 1882-1971.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge ; 1917. Location: Shelf 16, Item 24 |
613 | Title: An introduction to the theology of the New Testament / Alan Richardson.Author: Richardson, Alan, 1905-1975.Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1958. Location: Shelf 18, Item 35 |
614 | Title: The gospel of modernism / by R.D. Richardson ; with foreword by E. W. Barnes.Author: Richardson, Robert Douglas.Publisher and date: London : Skeffington, Subject: Modernism (Christian theology) Location: Shelf 13, Item 77 |
615 | Title: Studien zur Sprache des Philogelos / Gerhard Ritter.Author: Ritter, Gerhard, 1924-Publisher and date: Zürich : Leemann, 1955. Location: Shelf 09, Item 31 |
616 | Title: The Old Testament text and versions : the Hebrew text in transmission and the history of the ancient versions / by Bleddyn J. Roberts.Author: Roberts, Bleddyn Jones.Publisher and date: Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 1951. Location: Shelf 01, Item 40 |
617 | Title: A grammar of the Greek New Testament in the light of historical research / by A. T. Robertson.Author: Robertson, A. T., 1863-1934.Publisher and date: New York : Hodder & Stoughton, c1919. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: shelf 15, Item 21 |
618 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the first epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians / Archibald Robertson and Alfred Plummer.Author: Robertson, Archibald, 1853-1931.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1914. Location: Shelf 14, Item 20 |
619 | Title: The Bible in the British scene / E. H. Robertson.Author: Robertson, Edwin Hanton.Publisher and date: London : SCM Press, 1961. Location: Shelf 13, Item 69 |
620 | Title: The history of Israel : its facts and factors / by H. Wheeler Robinson.Author: Robinson, H. Wheeler 1872-1945.Publisher and date: London : Duckworth, 1938. Subject: Jews |
621 | Title: The gospel according to Peter, and the revelation of Peter : two lectures on the newly recovered fragments, together with the Greek texts / by J. Armitage Robinson and Montague Rhodes James.Author: Robinson, J. Armitage 1858-1933.Publisher and date: London : C.J. Clay ; 1892. Location: Shelf 02, Item 15 |
622 | Title: An introduction to the Old Testament / by Theodore H. Robinson.Author: Robinson, Theodore H. 1881-1964.Publisher and date: London : E. Arnold, 1948. Location: Shelf 03, Item 11 |
623 | Title: Paradigms and exercises in Syriac grammar / by Theodore H. Robinson.Author: Robinson, Theodore H. 1881-1964.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1915. Subject: Syriac language Subject: Syriac language Location: Shelf 07, Item 47 |
624 | Title: The decline and fall of the Hebrew Kingdoms : Israel in the eighth and seventh centuries B.C. / by T.H. Robinson.Author: Robinson, Theodore H. 1881-1964.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1930. Subject: Jews Location: Shelf 04, Item 16 |
625 | Title: An introduction to the New Testament / by W. Gordon Robinson.Author: Robinson, W. GordonPublisher and date: London : Edward Arnold, 1949. Location: Shelf 03, Item 10 |
626 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle of St. James / by James Hardy Ropes.Author: Ropes, James Hardy, 1866-1933.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1916. Location: Shelf 14, Item 28 |
627 | Title: Zum luvischen / von Bernhard Rosenkranz ; Uber die formal parnasseia suuaizzi in den hethitischen gesetzestexten von Richard Haase ; Bucherbesprechungen : D. W. Gooding, Recensions of the Septuagint Pentateuch (The Tyndale Old Testament Lecture, 1954). London, the Tyndale Press, 1955 besprochen von W. G. Lambert.Author: Rosenkranz, Bernhard.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Location: Shelf 06, Item 68 |
628 | Title: Hymns and human life / Erik Routley.Author: Routley, Erik.Publisher and date: London : J. Murray, 1952. Subject: Hymns Subject: Hymns, English Location: Shelf 17, Item 14 |
629 | Title: Greek syntax and note book for use in upper forms of schools / by Theo. Be. Rowe.Author: Rowe, Theophilus Barton.Publisher and date: London : Percival, 1891. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 09, Item 30 |
630 | Title: Archimandrite Hierotheos Abbatios 1599-1664 / by Keetje Rozemond.Author: Rozemond, Keetje.Publisher and date: Leiden : Universitaire Pers Leiden, 1966. Subject: Reformed Church Location: Shelf 12, Item 36 |
631 | Title: Fachprosa, vermeintliche Volkssprache und Neues Testament : zur Beurteilung der sprachlichen Niveauunterschiede im nachklassischen Griechisch / Lars Rydbeck.Author: Rydbeck, Lars, 1934-Publisher and date: Uppsala [Swe.] : Universitetet ; 1967 Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Location: Shelf 16, Item 169 |
632 | Title: Bemerkungen zu periphrasen mit εἶναι + präsens partizip bei Herodot und in der koine / von Lars Rydbeck.Author: Rydbeck, Lars.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [1969] Subject: Greek language. Location: Shelf 16, Item 170 |
633 | Title: Race relations in the Early Roman Empire / by D. B. Saddington.Author: Saddington, D. B.Publisher and date: Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1975. |
634 | Title: Race relations in the Early Roman Empire / by D. B. Saddington.Author: Saddington, D. B.Publisher and date: Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1975. Location: Shelf 16, Item 132 |
635 | Title: The educational effect of catechetical instruction in the fourth century A.D. / [D. B. Saddington]Author: Saddington, D. B.Publisher and date: Lisboa [Port.] : Nacional-Casa de Moeda, [1972] Subject: Catechetics Location: Shelf 16, Item 176 |
636 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle to the Romans / by William Sanday and Arthur C. Headlam.Author: Sanday, W. 1843-1920.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1902. Location: Shelf 14, Item 19 |
637 | Title: A commentary on the Gospel according to St John / J.N. Sanders ; edited and completed by B.A. Mastin.Author: Sanders, J. N.Publisher and date: London : A. & C. Black, 1968. Location: Shelf 13, Item 1 |
638 | Title: Literary genius of the Old Testament / by P.C. Sands.Author: Sands, P. C.Publisher and date: Oxford : The Clarendon press, 1924. Subject: Bible as literature. Location: Shelf 13, Item 64 |
639 | Title: The lost “Book of the nativity of John” : a study in Messianic folklore and Christian origins, with a new solution to the virgin-birth problem / by Hugh J. Schonfield.Author: Schonfield, Hugh J. 1901-1988.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T.& T. Clark, 1929. Subject: Virgin birth. Subject: Messiah. Subject: Apocryphal books (New Testament) Location: Shelf 18, Item 21 |
640 | Title: De perfecti usu Polybiano / scripsit Antonius Schoy.Author: Schoy, Anton, 1881-Publisher and date: Bonnae : Caroli Georgi, 1913. Location: Shelf 01, Item 15 |
641 | Title: Das problem der sprache Jesu / von Friedrich Schulthess.Author: Schulthess, Friedrich.Publisher and date: Zürich : Schulthess, 1917. Location: Shelf 16, Item 189 |
642 | Title: A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ / by the late Emil Schürer.Author: Schürer, Emil, 1844-1910.Publisher and date: New York : Charles Scribner’s Sons, [19??] Subject: Jews Subject: Jews Subject: Greek literature Subject: Apocryphal books (Old Testament) Subject: Judaism. Location: Shelf 01, Item 36 |
643 | Title: Internationales Abkürzungsverzeichnis für Theologie und Grenzgebiete : Zeitschriften, Serien, Lexika, Quellenwerke mit bibliographischen Angaben = International glossary of abbreviations for theology and related subjects = Index international des abréviations pour la théologie et matières affinissantes / Siegfried Schwertner.Author: Schwertner, Siegfried M. 1936-Publisher and date: Berlin ; De Gruyter, 1974. Subject: Periodicals Location: Shelf 04, Item 71 |
644 | Title: Griechische Grammatik : auf der Grundlage von Karl Brugmanns Griechischer Grammatik / von Eduard Schwyzer.Author: Schwyzer, Eduard, 1874-1943.Publisher and date: München : C.H. Beck, 1939-1971. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 06, Item 03 |
645 | Title: The book of Revelation / by E. F. Scott.Author: Scott, Ernest Findlay, 1868-1954Publisher and date: London : S C M Press, 1949. Location: Shelf 04, Item 15 |
646 | Title: The fourth gospel : its purpose and theology, by Ernest F. Scott.Author: Scott, Ernest Findlay, 1868-1954.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1908. Location: Shelf 15, Item 09 |
647 | Title: The gospel and its tributaries / by Ernest Findlay Scott.Author: Scott, Ernest Findlay, 1868-1954.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1928. Subject: Christianity. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 08, Item 25 |
648 | Title: The original language of the Apocalypse / by the Reverend Robert Balgarnie Young Scott.Author: Scott, R. B. Y. 1899-Publisher and date: [Toronto] : The University of Toronto Press, 1928. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 137 |
649 | Title: The Septuagint version of Isaiah : a discussion of its problems / door I. L. Seeligmann.Author: Seeligmann, Isaac Leo, 1907-1982.Publisher and date: Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1948. Location: Shelf 06, Item 20 |
650 | Title: History of the expedition to Russia undertaken by the Emperor Napoleon, in the year 1812 / by Philip de Segur.Author: Ségur, Philippe-Paul, 1780-1873.Publisher and date: London : Treuttel and Wurtz, Treuttel, jun. and Richter, 1825. Subject: Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815 Russia. Location: Shelf 08, Item 10 |
651 | Title: Æschylus, the prophet of Greek freedom : an essay on the Oresteian trilogy / by J.T. Sheppard.Author: Sheppard, John Tresidder, 1881-Publisher and date: London : T. Murby & co., 1943. Location: Shelf 04, Item 08 |
652 | Title: A practical grammar of the Arabic language : with interlineal reading lessons, dialogues and vocabulary / by Faris Ash-Shidyāq.Author: Shidyāq, Aḥmad Fāris, 1804?-1887.Publisher and date: London : Bernard Quaritch, 1891. Subject: Arabic language Location: Shelf 02, Item 13 |
653 | Title: Who was the first bishop of Rome? / By C. De Lisle Shortt.Author: Shortt, Charles De Lisle.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1935. Subject: Bishops Rome. Location: Shelf 07, Item 49 |
654 | Title: The Biblical exegesis of Justin Martyr / by Willis A. Shotwell.Author: Shotwell, Willis A. 1920-Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1965. Location: Shelf 14, Item 03 |
655 | Title: The Christ of the Fourth Gospel : in the light of first-century thought / E.M. Sidebottom.Author: Sidebottom, E. M.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1961. Location: Shelf 13, Item 51 |
656 | Title: The language of the New Testament / by William Henry Simcox.Author: Simcox, William Henry.Publisher and date: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1889. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 12, Item 20 |
657 | Title: Commentary on the epistles to the Ephesians and the Colossians : the English text with introduction, exposition and notes / by E.K. Simpson and F.F. Bruce.Author: Simpson, E. K.Publisher and date: London : Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1957. Location: Shelf 14, Item 13 |
658 | Title: Words worth weighing in the Greek New Testament / by E. K. Simpson.Author: Simpson, E. K.Publisher and date: London : Tyndale Press, 1946. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 172 |
659 | Title: Griechisch-syrisch-hebräischer Index zur Weisheit des Jesus Sirach / von Rudolf Smend.Author: Smend, Rudolf, 1851-1913.Publisher and date: Berlin : G. Reimer, 1907. Location: Shelf 06, Item 23 |
660 | Title: The book of Isaiah / by George Adam Smith.Author: Smith, George Adam, 1856-1942.Publisher and date: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1906. Location: Shelf 07, Item 58 |
661 | Title: A people’s life of Christ / by J. Paterson Smyth.Author: Smyth, J. Paterson 1852-1932.Publisher and date: London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1926. Location: Shelf 12, Item 48 |
662 | Title: Recherches sur la syntaxe de saint Jean Chrysostome d’après les “Homélies sur les statues,” / par Marius Soffray.Author: Soffray, Marius, 1884-Publisher and date: Paris : Société d’édition “Les Belles lettres,”, 1939. Location: Shelf 16, Item 17 |
663 | Title: Der Charakter des asterisierten Zusätze in der Septuaginta / von Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen.Author: Soisalon-Soininen, Ilmari, 1917-Publisher and date: Helsinki : [Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia], 1959. Location: Shelf 06, Item 47 |
664 | Title: Die Textformen der Septuaginta-Übersetzung des Richterbuches / von I. Soisalon-Soininen.Author: Soisalon-Soininen, Ilmari, 1917-Publisher and date: Helsinki : [s.l.], 1951. Location: Shelf 06, Item 45 |
665 | Title: The text and canon of the New Testament / by Alexander Souter.Author: Souter, Alexander, 1873-1949.Publisher and date: London : Duckworth, 1912. Location: Shelf 13, Item 63 |
666 | Title: Kritisch-historische Syntax des griechischen Verbums der klassischen Zeit / von J. M. Stahl.Author: Stahl, Johann Matthias, 1833-1916.Publisher and date: Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1907. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 07, Item 16 |
667 | Title: Grammar of Palestinian Jewish Aramaic / by Wm. B. Stevenson.Author: Stevenson, William Barron, 1869-1954.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1924. Subject: Aramaic language Location: Shelf 06, Item 10 |
668 | Title: Einleitung in das Alte Testament einschliesslich Apokryphen und Pseudepigraphen / mit eingehender Angabe der Literatur von Hermann L. Strack.Author: Strack, Hermann Leberecht, 1848-1922.Publisher and date: München : Beck, 1906. Location: Shelf 03, Item 35 |
669 | Title: Introduction to the Talmud and Midrash / by Hermann L. Strack ; authorized translation on the basis of the author’s revised copy of the fifth German edition.Author: Strack, Hermann Leberecht, 1848-1922.Publisher and date: Philadelphia : Jewish Publication Society of America, 1931. Subject: Midrash. Location: Shelf 01, Item 42 |
670 | Title: [Grammatik des biblischen Aramäisch : $b mit den nach Handschriften berichtigten Texten und einem Wörterbuch / von Hermann L. Strack]Author: Strack, Hermann Leberecht.Publisher and date: [Leipzig : Hinrich, 1897] Subject: Aramaic language Location: Shelf 11, Item 02 |
671 | Title: The four Gospels : a study of origins, treating of the manuscript tradition, sources, authorship, & dates / by Burnett Hillman Streeter.Author: Streeter, Burnett Hillman, 1874-1937.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan and Co., 1924. Location: Shelf 16, Item 16 |
672 | Title: Der Gebrauch des bestimmten Artikels in der nachklassischen griechischen Epik / von Arnold Svensson.Author: Svensson, Arnold.Publisher and date: Lund : Blom, 1937. Subject: Greek language Subject: Epic poetry, Greek Location: Shelf 06, Item 44 |
673 | Title: An introduction to the Old Testament in Greek / by Henry Barclay Swete ; revised by Richard Rusden Ottley ; with an appendix containing the letter of Aristeas edited by H. St J. Thackeray.Author: Swete, Henry Barclay, 1835-1917.Publisher and date: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1914. Location: Shelf 06, Item 14 |
674 | Title: Jesus and the fatherhood of God / R. G. Tanner.Author: Tanner, R. Godfrey.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Subject: God Location: Shelf 16, Item 92 |
675 | Title: Latinism in the text of Hermas / R. G. Tanner.Author: Tanner, R. Godfrey.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Location: Shelf 16, Item 127 |
676 | Title: Prayer-book worship / by A.P. Taylor.Author: Taylor, A. P.Publisher and date: Westminster : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1942. Location: Shelf 03, Item 14 |
677 | Title: A paraphrase of Ephesians / R.O.P. Taylor.Author: Taylor, R.O.P.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., 1937] Location: Shelf 02, Item 18 |
678 | Title: The text of the New Testament : a short introduction / by Vincent Taylor.Author: Taylor, Vincent, 1887-1968.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan ; 1961. Location: Shelf 15, Item 05 |
679 | Title: Born of a woman : a short life of Jesus / by Roger Tennant.Author: Tennant, Charles Roger, 1919-2003.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1961. Location: Shelf 12, Item 51 |
680 | Title: A grammar of the Old Testament in Greek according to the Septuagint. by Henry St. John Thackeray.Author: Thackeray, H. St. J. 1869?-1930.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1909. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 07, Item 57 |
681 | Title: The Septuagint and Jewish worship : a study in origins / by H.St.John Thackeray.Author: Thackeray, H. St. J. 1869?-1930.Publisher and date: London : H. Milford, 1923. Subject: Judaism Location: Shelf 11, Item 21 |
682 | Title: A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament : being Grimm’s Wilke’s Clavis Novi Testamenti / translated, revised and enlarged by Joseph Henry Thayer.Author: Thayer, Joseph Henry, 1828-1901.Publisher and date: Edinburgh. : T & T Clark, 1901. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 10, Item 10 |
683 | Title: ΗΔΗ and ΔΗ in Homer / F. W. ThomasAuthor: Thomas, F. W.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Subject: Greek language, Hellenistic (300 B.C.-600 A.D.) Location: Shelf 09, Item 21 |
684 | Title: Semitic influence on verbal usage and on the subordinate clauses in the Apocalypse / by Steven Thompson.Author: Thompson, Steven.Publisher and date: [Scotland : s.n.], 1975. Location: Shelf 10, Item 11 |
685 | Title: Greek particles in the New Testament : linguistic and exegetical studies / by Margaret E. Thrall.Author: Thrall, Margaret E.Publisher and date: Leiden : Brill, 1962. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 22 |
686 | Title: The History of the Peloponnesian War / by Thucydides ; translated by Richard Crawley.Author: Thucydides.Publisher and date: London : Dent ; 1910 Location: Shelf 02, Item 24 |
687 | Title: The rise of the Athenian empire / from Thucydides book I ; edited with notes, appendix, and vocabulary for the use of beginners, by F. H. Colson ; with illustrations.Author: Thucydides.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1884. Location: Shelf 02, Item 31 |
688 | Title: Thucydides, book II / edited by E.C. Marchant.Author: Thucydides.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1891. Location: Shelf 02, Item 26 |
689 | Title: Handbook of the modern Greek vernacular : grammar, texts, glossary / by Albert Thumb ; translated from the 2nd improved and enlarged German edition by S. Angus.Author: Thumb, Albert, 1865-1915.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T.&T. Clark, 1912. Subject: Greek language, Modern Subject: Greek language, Modern Location: Shelf 05, Item 81 |
690 | Title: Handbuch der griechischen Dialekte / von Albert Thumb.Author: Thumb, Albert, 1865-1915.Publisher and date: Heidelberg : C. Winter, 1909. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 06, Item 16 |
691 | Title: The Turin fragments of Tyconius’ commentary on Revelation / edited by Francesco Lo Bue, and prepared for the press by G.G. Willis.Author: Ticonius, 4th cent.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1963. Location: Shelf 12, Item 49 |
692 | Title: Christ in the early church / by A. F. Titterton.Author: Titterton, A. F.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1950. Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 03, Item 05 |
693 | Title: Christ in the Gospels / by A. F. Titterton.Author: Titterton, A. F.Publisher and date: London : Ginn, 1952. Location: Shelf 03, Item 04 |
694 | Title: Christ in the Gospels : reference book.Author: Titterton, A. F.Publisher and date: London : Gin, 1952. Location: Shelf 03, Item 01 |
695 | Title: Notes on the miracles of our Lord / by Richard Chenevix Trench.Author: Trench, Richard Chenevix, 1807-1886.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1878. Location: Shelf 13, Item 83 |
696 | Title: Notes on the parables of our Lord / by Richard Chenevix Trench.Author: Trench, Richard Chenevix, 1807-1886.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1882 Location: Shelf 18, Item 16 |
697 | Title: Synonyms of the New Testament / Richard Chevenix Trench.Author: Trench, Richard Chenevix, 1807-1886.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1871. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 14, Item 16 |
698 | Title: Notes on the miracles of our Lord / by Richard Chenevix Trench.Author: Trench, Richard Chenevix.Publisher and date: London : Parker, 1862. Subject: Miracles. Subject: Healing in the Bible. Location: Shelf 08, Item 13 |
699 | Title: Notes on the parables of our Lord / by Richard Chenevix Trench.Author: Trench, Richard Chenevix.Publisher and date: London : Macmillan, 1864. Location: Shelf 08, Item 12 |
700 | Title: Synonyms of the New Testament : being the substance of a course of lectures addressed to the theological students, King’s College, London / by Richard Chenevix Trench.Author: Trench, Richard Chenevix.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Macmillan, 1854. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 13, Item 58 |
701 | Title: Christian words / by Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel, 1916-Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, 1980. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 05, Item 82 |
702 | Title: Grammatical insights into the New Testament / Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel, 1916-Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clark, [1965]. Location: Shelf 04, Item 81 |
703 | Title: The art of the Greek Orthodox Church : a study in stylization / by Nigel Turner ; illustrated by Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel, 1916-Publisher and date: Salisbury, Rhodesia : University of Rhodesia, [1976] Subject: Art, Byzantine. Subject: Art, Early Christian. Subject: Christian art and symbolism. Location: Shelf 04, Item 53 |
704 | Title: Biblical Greek : the peculiar language of a peculiar people / N. Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 18, Item 14 |
705 | Title: Eschatology in the Old Testament literature / by Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n.], 1936. Subject: Eschatology in literature. Location: Shelf 06, Item 58 |
706 | Title: Jewish and Christian influence on New Testament vocabulary / by Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 16, Item 108 |
707 | Title: Moulton, James Hope (1863-1917) / [Nigel Turner]Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, [1994] Location: Shelf 16, Item 146 |
708 | Title: The church’s attitude to the state in the New Testament / Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n., n.d.] Subject: Church history Location: Shelf 16, Item 79 |
709 | Title: The Greek translators of Ezekiel / by Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, [1956] Location: Shelf 06, Item 60 |
710 | Title: The literary character of New Testament Greek / Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: [Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1974] Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 16, Item 53 |
711 | Title: The quality of the Greek of Luke-Acts / by Nigel Turner.Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1976. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 16, Item 93 |
712 | Title: The style of St. Mark’s eucharistic words / [Nigel Turner]Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, [1957] Subject: Lord’s Supper Location: Shelf 13, Item 20 |
713 | Title: The ‘Testament of Abraham’ : problems in biblical greek / [Nigel Turner]Author: Turner, Nigel.Publisher and date: [s.l. : s.n. 1955] Location: Shelf 16, Item 52 |
714 | Title: Linnæus / Arvid Hj. Uggla ; [translated from the Swedish by Alan Blair]Author: Uggla, Arvid Hj. 1883-1964.Publisher and date: Stockholm : Swedish Institute, 1957. Location: Shelf 04, Item 79 |
715 | Title: Behind Mark : towards a written source / [Petros Vassiliadis]Author: Vassiliadis, Petros.Publisher and date: [Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1974] Location: Shelf 16, Item 86 |
716 | Title: Prolegomena to a discussion on the relationship between Mark and the Q-document / by Petros Vassiliadis.Author: Vassiliadis, Petros.Publisher and date: Athens : [s.n., 1975] Subject: Q hypothesis (Synoptics criticism) Location: Shelf 16, Item 83 |
717 | Title: The function of John the Baptist in Q and Mark / Petros Vassiliadis.Author: Vassiliadis, Petros.Publisher and date: Athens : [s.n.], 1975. Location: Shelf 16, Item 47 |
718 | Title: The nature and extent of the Q-document / by Petros Vassiliadis.Author: Vassiliadis, Petros.Publisher and date: [Leiden, Net. : E. J. Brill, 1975] Subject: Q hypothesis (Synoptics criticism) Location: Shelf 13, Item 44 |
719 | Title: A critical and exegetical commentary on the epistles to the Philippians and to Philemon / by Marvin R. Vincent.Author: Vincent, Marvin Richardson, 1834-1922.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : T. & T. Clarke, 1897. Location: Shelf 14, Item 24 |
720 | Title: P. Vergili Maronis opera omnia / recensuerunt, T.L. Papillon et A.E. Haigh.Author: Virgil.Publisher and date: Oxonii : E. Prelo Clarendoniano, 1907. Subject: Latin literature. Subject: Classical literature. Location: Shelf 02, Item 46 |
721 | Title: Étude sur le grec du Nouveau Testament comparé avec celui des Septante / sujet, complément et attribut par Joseph Viteau.Author: Viteau, Joseph, 1859-Publisher and date: Paris : E. Bouillon, 1896. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 10, Item 20 |
722 | Title: Vorlesungen über Syntax : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Griechisch, Lateinisch und Deutsch / von Jacob Wackernagel.Author: Wackernagel, Jacob, 1853-1938.Publisher and date: Basel : Birkhäuser, [1926]-1928. Subject: German language Subject: Greek language Subject: Latin language Location: Shelf 14, Item 32 |
723 | Title: To whom Paul wrote / by Mabel C. Warburton.Author: Warburton, Mabel C.Publisher and date: London : Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1961. Location: Shelf 16, Item 50 |
724 | Title: Hidden meaning in the New Testament : new light from the old Greek / [by] Ronald A. Ward; foreword by Marcus Ward, introduction by Paul S. Rees.Author: Ward, Ronald Arthur.Publisher and date: London : Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1969. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 13, Item 84 |
725 | Title: Der erste Korintherbrief : völlig neu bearbeitet / von Johannes Weiss.Author: Weiss, Johannes, 1863-1914.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1910. Location: Shelf 11, Item 19 |
726 | Title: Der Text der Bücher Samuelis / untersucht von Julius Wellhausen.Author: Wellhausen, Julius, 1844-1918.Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1871. Location: Shelf 08, Item 38 |
727 | Title: The elements of New Testament Greek / J.W. Wenham.Author: Wenham, John William.Publisher and date: Cambridge [Eng.] : Cambridge University Press, 1965. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 15, Item 02 |
728 | Title: On the rendering into English of the Greek aorist and perfect : with appendixes on the New Testament use of ‘gar’ and of ‘oun’ / by Richard Francis Weymouth.Author: Weymouth, Richard Francis, 1822-1902.Publisher and date: London : James Clarke, [n.d.] Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 08, Item 32 |
729 | Title: The theology of St. Paul / D.E.H. Whiteley.Author: Whiteley, D. E. H.Publisher and date: Oxford : Blackwell, 1964. Location: Shelf 14, Item 40 |
730 | Title: The Englishman’s Greek concordance of the New Testament : being an attempt at a verbal connexion between the Greek and the English texts, including a concordance to the proper names, with indexes, Greek-English and English-Greek, and a concordance of various readings / [by George V. Wigram]Author: Wigram, George V.Publisher and date: London : Samuel Bagster , 1903. Location: Shelf 20, Item 20 |
731 | Title: The Englishman’s Hebrew and Chaldee concordance of the Old Testament : being an attempt at a verbal connection between the original and the English translation : with indexes, a list of the proper names, and their occurrences, etc. / [George V. Wigram].Author: Wigram, George V.Publisher and date: London : Walton and Maberly, 1866. Subject: Hebrew language Location: Shelf 05, Item 84 |
732 | Title: Griechisches Lesebuch / von Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff.Author: Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, 1848-1931.Publisher and date: Berlin : Weidmann, 1903-1909. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek prose literature. Subject: Greek language Location: Shelf 06, Item 32 |
733 | Title: Griechisches Lesebuch / von Ulrich von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff.Author: Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, 1848-1931.Publisher and date: Berlin : Weidmannsche Buchhandlung, 1912. Subject: Greek language Subject: Greek prose literature. Location: Shelf 06, Item 02 |
734 | Title: The Semitisms of Acts / Max Wilcox.Author: Wilcox, Max.Publisher and date: Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1965. Location: Shelf 16, Item 06 |
735 | Title: Early Christian rhetoric : the language of the Gospel / Amos N. Wilder.Author: Wilder, Amos N. 1895-1993 .Publisher and date: London : SCM, 1964. Location: Shelf 16, Item 198 |
736 | Title: The execution of Jesus : a judicial, literary, and historical investigation / by William Riley Wilson.Author: Wilson, William Riley.Publisher and date: New York : Scribner, c1970. Location: Shelf 15, Item 14 |
737 | Title: A treatise on the grammar of New Testament Greek : regarded as a sure basis for New Testament exegesis / by G. B. Winer ; translated from the German with large additions and full indices by W. F. Moulton.Author: Winer, Georg Benedikt, 1789-1858.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : Clark, 1877. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 16, Item 01 |
738 | Title: Georg Benedict Winer’s Grammatik des neutestamentlichen Sprachidioms.Author: Winer, Georg Benedikt, 1789-1858.Publisher and date: Göttingen, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1894-98. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 01, Item 02 |
739 | Title: Miszellen zur Apostelgeschichte von Paul WinterAuthor: Winter, PaulPublisher and date: [München : C. Kaiser, 1957]. Subject: Theology. Location: Shelf 01, Item 06 |
740 | Title: 1 Corinthians XV 3b-7 / by Paul Winter.Author: Winter, Paul.Publisher and date: Leiden : E. J. Brill, [1957] Location: Shelf 16, Item 134 |
741 | Title: On the trial of Jesus / by Paul Winter.Author: Winter, Paul.Publisher and date: Berlin : De Gruyter, 1974. Location: Shelf 18, Item 05 |
742 | Title: The proto-source of Luke I / by Paul Winter.Author: Winter, Paul.Publisher and date: Leiden : E. J. Brill, 1956. Location: Shelf 16, Item 91 |
743 | Title: Our priceless heritage : a study of Christian doctrine in contrast with Romanism / by Henry M. Woods.Author: Woods, Henry M. 1857-1943.Publisher and date: London : Marshall, Morgan, & Scott, [1934?] Subject: Protestantism. Location: Shelf 04, Item 29 |
744 | Title: The Westminster smaller Bible atlas / edited by G. Ernest Wright & Floyd V. FilsonAuthor: Wright, G. Ernest 1909-1974.Publisher and date: London : SCM Press, 1947 Location: Shelf 01, Item 01 |
745 | Title: The anabasis of Zenophon.Author: XenophonPublisher and date: [London : James Cornish and Sons] Location: Shelf 02, Item 25 |
746 | Title: Analytical concordance to the Bible : on an entirely new plan, containing every word in alphabetical order, arranged under its Hebrew or Greek original, with the literal meaning of each, and its pronunciation … with the latest information on Biblical geography and antiquities … etc.Designed for the simplest reader of the English Bible / By Robert Young.Author: Young, Robert, 1822-1888.Publisher and date: Edinburgh : George Adam Young, [19–]. Location: Shelf 20, Item 21 |
747 | Title: Biblical Greek : illustrated by examples / by Maximilian Zerwick.Author: Zerwick, Max, 1901-1975.Publisher and date: Rome : [s.n.], 1963. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 11, Item 13 |
748 | Title: Graecitas Biblica : exemplis illustratur / a Maximiliano Zerwick.Author: Zerwick, Max, 1901-1975.Publisher and date: Romae : Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 1949. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 11, Item 12 |
749 | Title: Graecitas Biblica : exemplis illustratur / a Maximiliano Zerwick.Author: Zerwick, Max, 1901-1975.Publisher and date: Romae : E Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 1955. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 11, Item 17 |
750 | Title: Untersuchungen zum Markus-Stil : ein Beitrag zur stilistischen Durcharbeitung des Neuen Testaments / von Max Zerwick.Author: Zerwick, Max, 1901-1975.Publisher and date: Romae : E Pontificio Instituto Biblico, 1937. Subject: Greek language, Biblical Location: Shelf 13, Item 45 |
751 | Title: Beiträge zur Ieremias-Septuaginta / von Joseph Ziegler.Author: Ziegler, Joseph, 1902-Publisher and date: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1958. Location: Shelf 06, Item 55 |
752 | Title: Untersuchungen zur Septuaginta des Buches Isaias / von Joseph Ziegler.Author: Ziegler, Joseph, 1902-Publisher and date: Münster i. W. : Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung, [1934] Location: Shelf 06, Item 53 |
753 | Title: Beiträge zum griechischen Dodekapropheton / von Joseph Ziegler.Author: Ziegler, Joseph.Publisher and date: Göttingen : [Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1943] Subject: Prophets. Location: Shelf 06, Item 57 |
754 | Title: Textkritische notizen zu den jungeren griechischen ubersetzungen des buches Isaias / von J. Ziegler.Author: Ziegler, Joseph.Publisher and date: [Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1939] Location: Shelf 06, Item 56 |
755 | Title: Frühe hebraisierende rezensionen der Septuaginta unde die Hexapla / bemerkungen zu der arbeit von G. ZuntzAuthor: Zuntz, G.Publisher and date: Berlin : Alfred Töpelmann, 1957. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 01, Item 12 |
756 | Title: The text of the Epistles : a disquisition upon the Corpus Paulinum / by G. Zuntz.Author: Zuntz, Günther, 1902-1992.Publisher and date: London : Oxford University Press, 1953. Location: Shelf 18, Item 36 |
757 | Title: Walter Bauer : Griechisch-Deutsches worterbuch zu den schriften des Neuen Testaments und der ubrigen urchristlichen literatur / [Gunther Zuntz]Author: Zuntz, Gunther.Publisher and date: Munchen : C. H. Beck, 1958. Subject: Greek language, Biblical. Location: Shelf 11, Item 10 |