Andrew Lazo

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Did C.S. Lewis Get it Wrong?  New Evidence Corrects Old Misconceptions

In his spiritual autobiography Surprised by Joy, C.S. Lewis famously claimed, In the Trinity Term of 1929 I gave in, and admitted that God was God, and knelt and prayed: perhaps, that night, the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England.

But what if he was wrong? Recent research by scholars Alister McGrath and Andrew Lazo suggests that Lewis in all likelihood converted to Theism in 1930, not in 1929, as Lewis so famously records.

If so, how might this allow us to see Lewis in a new light? What questions arise from these new discoveries and theories? Speaking from cutting edge research, Andrew Lazo will explore these possibilities in an exhilarating breakout session.


Andrew-Lazo-HeadshotSpeaker and writer on C.S. Lewis and his fellow Inklkings. Andrew holds an M.A. in Modernist British Literature from Rice University where he was Javits Fellow in the Humanities, and a B.A. in English with minors in Latin and Medieval Studies from UC Davis; he is currently completing a Master of Arts in Teaching. When not teaching English at St. Thomas High School in Houston, Andrew is in much demand as a popular retreat, conference, and seminar speaker on C. S. Lewis. Andrew has published several articles and book reviews on C. S. Lewis and other Inklings and co-edited Mere Christians: Inspiring Encounters with C. S. Lewis (Baker Books, 2009).

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Bethel University Seminary