C.S. Lewis Around the Web – October 29, 2013

The 50th Anniversary Celebration of C.S. Lewis is still going strong, around the world and at the C.S. Lewis Foundation.  Our next and final conference this year will be in Houston from November 8th-10th on “The Forge of Friendship: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Creative Impulse.” Please visit our conference website to register today! Preparations are still being undertaken

Douglas Gresham and Dr. Devin Brown to Speak September 23rd – 25th

Friend of the Foundation and notable scholar Dr. Devin Brown and C.S. Lewis’s step-son Douglas Gresham are scheduled to speak September 23rd – 25th in Wilmore, Cincinnati, and Louisville, respectively, to help promote Dr. Brown’s new biography on Lewis. Please visit NarniaFans.com for information, as you will not want to miss this special event!  

On C.S. Lewis in Poets’ Corner

Lancia Smith, long-time friend and supporter of the C.S. Lewis Foundation (as well as speaker at many of our events), has recently published an article on her blog about the upcoming commemoration of C.S. Lewis in Poets’ Corner at Westminster Abbey.  It took many years for the memorial to materialize, but finally on November 22,