Today Is the 48th Anniversary of C.S. Lewis’s Death

C.S. Lewis died on November 22, 1963, just seven days shy of his 65th birthday on November 29th.

Today is the 48th anniversary of his death, the same day that President John F. Kennedy and writer Aldous Huxley died.

In “Living the Legacy” of C.S. Lewis, we at the Foundation don’t seek to idolize the man or merely to memorialize him, but rather we see Lewis as a model of someone who lived as a Christian in higher education and who used his imagination and intellect in the service of Christ.  Among many other qualities, he was ever-seeking, charitable, humble, and joyous.

Three areas Lewis often wrote and spoke about that particularly resonate with our mission are “Mere Christianity,” scholarship, and creativity.  Who else has been able to so successfully write and lecture about topics as seemingly divergent as as science fiction, children’s fantasy fiction, scholarly nonfiction, and Christian nonfiction? If often amazes people that the writer of the Narnia series is the same person as the author of Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, and the scholar who wrote Preface to Paradise Lost and The Discarded Image.

Whether it’s C.S. Lewis College, our Summer Institute at Oxbridge, the programs of The Study Centre at The Kilns (Lewis’s beloved home), or our conferences/retreats, we at the C.S. Lewis Foundation seek to infuse faith, creativity, and scholarship into all of our programs. We invite you to explore the ways you can do the same in your own life.

3 thoughts on “Today Is the 48th Anniversary of C.S. Lewis’s Death

  1. Well written. I especially appreciate the distinction between idolizing or memorializing him versus seeing him as a model for us to imitate.

  2. Alex W

    He would have absolutely abhorred being idolized. He wouldn’t have been much happier about being memorialized either, probably. But too bad, let’s do it anyway!

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