C.S. Lewis College Status Update – February 2012

Hi Everyone!

We’ve been busy this New Year working on many projects over the last few weeks – fundraising for C.S. Lewis College, meeting with Hobby Lobby representatives, hosting our annual Twelfth Night event, and planning our fall C.S. Lewis Retreat.

Given all that is going on, we thought it was important to swim up to the surface, take a breath of fresh air, and fill you in on what is happening at C.S. Lewis College.

As a Founder, you should have received a letter in November letting you know about our December 31st deadline to raise an additional $5 million.

The good news is that we had a wonderful outpouring of support in the last few weeks of 2011. We were able to raise $600,000 by year’s end toward this goal, in addition to a previous $1.2 million gift from Hobby Lobby. This was an incredible blessing, but it was also short of our goal, particularly in regards to attracting gifts from donors who could give $1 million or more.

As announced by Dr. Mattson at our recent Twelfth Night event, this means a few things:

  • We have lost our “sole beneficiary” status in regards to receiving the gift of the Northfield Campus from Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. Hobby Lobby is now seeking other potential recipients, possibly to share the campus with us.
  • Nevertheless, we will, with God’s help, press on to raise the $10-15 million needed to be the sole recipient of the Northfield Campus.
  • We are specifically seeking lead donors with the ability and desire to give gifts of $1 million or more.
  • In any and all events, please be assured that we are totally committed to pressing on and founding C.S. Lewis College. If Hobby Lobby does gift the campus to another organization, and if, for one reason or another, collaboration with that organization should not prove mutually advantageous, the Foundation will, consistent with its long standing objective, continue to seek to establish C.S. Lewis College at another appropriate location, preferably in the Pioneer Valley.

After witnessing much evidence for it, we believe that He has led us to Northfield for the purpose of founding C.S. Lewis College. We know that while we must and will continue to do our part, the exact ways God’s purposes will be realized are completely in His control.

To this end, we ask that you pray for us as we strive to do our part in seeking His will and His provision. We cherish your continued support of C.S. Lewis College in whatever ways you have been called to do so.

How you can help

There are several ways that you can help!

  1. Help us connect with a potential “Champion” who could make a “lead” gift. It should not come as a surprise to you that C.S. Lewis College needs a few people to step forward to make “lead” gifts – gifts from $100,000 to $1 million or more. If you are aware of someone for whom the making of such a gift might be a real blessing, for them as well as for the College, please let us know.
  2. Become a C.S. Lewis College Founder, or if you are already a Founder, renew or increase your Founders commitment. We thank you so much for being part of the more than 600 people who have already become Founders!
  3. Make a gift of any amount. Your gift will help provide vitally needed operating funds to continue our on-going work right now.
  4. Get the word out about C.S. Lewis College! Host a “Founding the Future” event in your home, your church, or your organization. Use Facebook and Twitter, visit our blog, or start an e-mail chain among friends to point people to our College website: www.cslewiscollege.org. Or you can tell people about us in person.

The Foundation is striving earnestly to accomplish the fundraising that is necessary to open the College, but we will need you every step of the way.

Thank you for your support!