Get Mugged!

Sign up now to become a Founder of C.S. Lewis College!
Sign up now to become a Founder of C.S. Lewis College!

The C.S. Lewis College Founders campaign is well underway, and we have joyously welcomed over 260 new Founders since we began this September!

As a small gift to new Founders, we have now received our first big shipment of C.S. Lewis College mugs and are currently shipping them.

We invite you to signal your support and “get mugged” by joining the C.S. Lewis College Founders Table with a one-time gift of $120 or more.

Come along side us as we press “further up and further in” to establish a truly unique Christian institution of higher learning that promises to provide a significant voice for Christ within the American academy in the 21st Century. Click here to find out more about the C.S. Lewis College Founders Campaign.