Watch the Summer Institute from Home

Not able to attend in-person this year?

For the first time ever, we’ll be offering an option to live-stream the C.S. Lewis Summer Institute. You can still attend from your own home and either watch as it happens or have exclusive access to the recorded videos for 90 days after the conference.

Register for the live streaming option and you will…

  • Be able to virtually attend (or watch later) 21 sessions of the C.S. Lewis Retreat while they are happening. The sessions we plan to stream include:
    • 12 plenary lectures
    • The artistic performances of Steve Bell (with special guest Malcolm Guite), the Ordinary Saints Project, Matthew Clark, The Sweet Ayres quartet, Hannah Thomas, Hannah Flowers, the Summer Institute Volunteer Choir, and Mary Vanhoozer.
    • Your choice of 1 afternoon seminar of the 2 that will be streamed (you can watch the second one recorded)
    • A sermon by Malcolm Guite and a dramatic reading by Max McLean of “The Weight of Glory” during the two worship services
  • Have access to the Whova software during the live sessions where you can ask questions during the Q&A portions of lectures.
  • Have access to the recordings for three months after the event.
  • Be able to invite your friends or family to watch with you during or after on one screen.

Technical Requirements

  • You must have internet access and a computer with a speaker (microphone not required) to access Zoom. We will have a special website and phone app (Apple and Android compatible) with the schedule where you can simply click on the link for each session to watch it live.

Registration & Cost

$277 for the entire Summer Institute which includes the 3 months of access after the event.

Click the button below to register.

Questions & Answers

Q: What will I miss by not attending in-person?

A: Great question. Of course you’ll miss the in-person company of our community and the meals. Beyond that, in-person attendees will exclusively be able to

  • Sign up for any of the 10 live afternoon seminars rather than the 2 which will also be filmed for online attendees
  • Attend the optional evening activity, Bag-End Cafe
  • Participate in worship and prayer sessions
  • Participate in the hymn sing at C.S. Lewis’ church, Holy Trinity Headington Quarry
  • Participate in optional activities (free or at an extra cost) like tours of The Kilns or tours of Oxford
  • Watch showings of Max McLean’s film The Most Reluctant Convert and the exclusive showing of the yet unreleased first episode of the documentary A Hobbit, A Wardrobe, and a Great War, each with a Q&A session with Max McLean and Ralph Linhardt respectively
  • Walk through, dine in, and explore in-person the “City of Dreaming Spires,” Oxford
  • Fellowship with friends in the city or in college
  • Have conversations with the conference speakers and have books signed by them
  • Participate in the volunteer choir

Q: What is the time zone for the event?

A: Since we will be in Oxford, England, the event will take place in Greenwich Time. The conference app will have a feature you can use to translate the times to your local time.

Q: What if i miss a session? Can I watch it right afterwards?

A: Good question. Because we’ll be streaming live as-it-happens, it will take our tech team a very short amount of time to format and transfer each session. Generally, this is a pretty quick process. Sometimes it is posted immediately after it happens.

However, you will have access to the videos within a few hours and also for three months after the conference ends, so you will have plenty of time to watch the sessions if you missed any as well as rewatch with friends or family. Note: you can’t share the links with others, but you can rewatch with your own personal login.

Q: Will I be on camera during the sessions?

A: Because of the nature of streaming the event at the same time we are hosting it live, you’ll primarily be participating by watching the sessions as they happen rather than being on camera yourself. You’ll be able to interact by commenting in chat, asking questions in the Q&A, or commenting on message boards. So feel free to wear your pajamas, eat meals, and have a cup of your favorite beverage!

(NOTE: please feel free to email with further questions. We will add more common questions here as we get closer to the event.)

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